Wednesday, December 8, 2010

EmailRevealer Discount Codes and Affiliate program

Top Ten Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer
Did you know that many top affiliate marketers are exceptionally successful in their online endeavors because they market unique niche programs? They do this to highly diminish or well nigh eliminate competition and make more money in the process.The online investigation niche is just one of those unique niches that deliver incredibly targeted interest and equally incredible earnings potential. Here then are 10 reasons why joining the E-mail Revealer affiliate program could benefit your bottom line.

1. is a credible company with an established online presence in investigation encompassing online infidelity investigation, cyber investigations and more. A Google search of relative terms for this business will net you concrete information on their solid reputation. You’ll have no doubt that you’re dealing with a highly regarded, trustworthy company.

2. Ed Opperman, owner of Email Revealer, is involved in not only the day-to-day operation of this investigative business but is also personally available to answer and attend to client questions and needs. He is in it for the long haul; unlike so many others that have disappeared within a few months of beginning on and offline investigative operations.

3. The advent of the Internet presents the investigative field with untold making money opportunities. Cheating spouses, the need to locate lost loved ones and cyber crimes has given rise to creating this lucrative affiliate program.

4. Joining EmailRevealer is quick and easy. You’ll receive approval within minutes after you apply and can start making money right away.
5. The 10% commission rate offered is generous and provides substantial income opportunity that can conceivably outdistance that of information products. Dealing with larger ticket items make this possible.

6. offers an attractive 30-day cookie that tracks visitors to your affiliate site. When they return and purchase services you’ll get paid.

7. Payment to you is via PayPal, the most common and trusted payment processor on the Internet today.

8. Notification emails are sent to you every time you make a sale. Imagine the super motivation you’ll experience to make more sales whenever you receive one of these.

9. Check you stats and sales figures whenever you’d like from your carefully guarded password protected, members only area.

10. Make unlimited income at the speed of your life with this worldwide affiliate program.These 10 reasons to join Ed Opperman over at as an affiliate are your ticket to the life you’ve dreamed of having. If you would like to make money in this highly active income producing niche, this is definitely one to check out.
February 23, 2010 Posted by lasvegaspi Uncategorized , , Leave a Comment

Get Discount Coupon Codes EmailRevealer

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Is Your Husband Using Married and Cheating Websites?

Times have certainly changed. In the past, women were concerned about their husbands having an affair with somebody at his work place, somebody he met at a bar, or worse yet -- him meeting up with a prostitute. However, today there is a new avenue for men who wish to pursue relationships outside of their marital vows -- married and cheating websites. As if suspicious wives didn't have enough to contend with, now the internet flagrantly promotes websites that are specifically created to help married men, and women, cheat on their spouses.

Married and cheating websites are part of the growing trend of adult-themed websites that cater exclusively to men and women who want to sneak around on their partner. Unfortunately, the internet is as liberal as the people are who use it, and there are no taboos online -- you are free to do whatever you want, with whomever you want, with relative anonymity. Well, at least at least those with shameful secrets would like to think that their online escapades are anonymous. The good news here, though, for suspicious wives is that your husbands, if they are using married and cheating websites, are not quite as anonymous as they think they are.

See, a cheater who uses the internet to engage in extramarital activity probably knows how to cover their tracks on their own computer. The probably know how to delete cookies, clear their web browser history, and maybe they even know how to permanently erase files so that they cannot be retrieved with readily available data recovery software. However, what most cheating husbands do not realize is that there are ways to monitor, and identify, their activity on third-party websites -- specifically websites that cater to married but cheating husbands and wives.

Online investigation services are exceptionally adept at not only being able to locate the online profiles of a cheating husband, but to piece together a composite of activity that a cheating spouse has committed on the internet. Even if your husband is what you would consider a computer expert, unless he is very lucky, or he understands the nuances of online infidelity investigations and how they compile their information, there is a good chance that you will be able to catch your husband, especially if he is using a married and cheating website.

If you are like most women, probably the only thing more gut wrenching than knowing that your cheating husband is talking to, or seeing, another woman romantically is suspecting that he is cheating on you, but not really knowing for sure. For your own peace of mind and sanity, if you suspect that your husband may be using married but cheating websites, hire an online investigator so that you can finally put your suspicions to rest for good.

Ed Opperman , president of Opperman Investigations Inc and is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Computer Forensic Examinations Can Prevent Your Marriage From Becoming a Statistic of Infidelity

Have you ever heard the saying that if something sounds too good to be true it usually is? There is also another wise saying that more people should pay attention to and it has been passed down through many generations. It is 'if you start feeling as if dishonesty and unfaithfulness is a problem that has made its way into your relationship or marriage, then it is time to stop wondering and find out for sure'. If partners, husbands and wives would take heed to each of these well-known sayings or warning signs, there is no telling just how many marriages could actually be saved before infidelity had a chance to enter into the equation.

A computer forensic examination can often prevent a marriage from falling apart and becoming just another statistic of infidelity if people that have suspicions about their partners online activities would take the time to have deleted data recovered from their computer's hard drive. This is actually a benefit that can give a person the advantage of being able to confront and work through any type of unacceptable Internet behavior that may be occurring, before infidelity actually does happen.

When you provide an expert private investigator with your spouse or partner's computer hard drive, they can recover deleted data that includes files and documents that have been erased, deleted photographs they have sent or received, the history of the browser, detailed chat logs of conversations that have been held on MSN, Yahoo, AOL and other chat messengers, as well as emails with other people that have been erased.

If you notice that something just does not seem quite right in your relationship and you decide to have an computer forensic examination performed to see if you can find any clues as to what might be going on, it is a step in the right direction that has the ability to actually prevent your marriage or relationship from becoming just another statistic of infidelity.

An computer forensic examination is often the choice of investigations that can also be very helpful in cases where individuals are battling in a divorce case and a computer hard drive holds the evidence that is needed. This investigation can also help in battles of child custody, locating teens that have run away, employee misuses of company computers, cases of porn addiction, and misbehavior on the Internet that may be suspected of teen children.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman (

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc and If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Signs of Cheating Online - Know What They Are With in the News!

There are a countless number of unfaithful people that have promised their love in a committed relationship with another person through either a marriage or other long-term relationship. What is hard for many of us to understand is how people like this can feel as if there is no problem at all with secretly exploring various areas of the web that they fully intend to lead to a situation of online infidelity. Are you suspicious that this is exactly what your partner is doing? Do you even know what the signs of cheating online are?

In this day and age it is a good idea for every person to learn what the signs of cheating are, especially when there is an Internet connection in the home. A few of the most common warning signs that online infidelity could be occurring in your relationship would include the following:

-You partner quickly turning off the computer every time that you enter the room
-Noticing that the web browsing history has been erased when you get on the family computer
-Your spouse or partner is spending a lot more time online, especially during the late night hours while you are asleep
-You have noticed your partner's passwords have changed, when at one time this was shared information between the two of you

There are several other signs of cheating on the Internet that would be wise to become educated on if your partner has a history of cheating, or if you have noticed that things just do not feel right in your relationship any longer.

Another wise step to take is to consult with the professional investigators at that are experienced in performing online infidelity investigations. By supplying an expert investigator with the suspected cheater's email address, you can soon learn about any social networking sites like Facebook that your partner may be cheating on. You will also be supplied with detailed information concerning any escort, fetish, porn, swinger, and cam sites that your spouse may be registered on. An online infidelity investigation is the perfect way to get to the bottom of any signs of cheating your partner has been showing while they are surfing the Internet.

It is important in this day and age to realize that there are several different signs of cheating that pertain to the Internet and you certainly need to know exactly what they are so you can stay watchful of the warning signs.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc and is an expert in spotting the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Is Your Husband Addicted to Porn? A Computer Forensic Examination Can Tell You For Sure

To many people it can feel as if every time they turn around there is a new gadget that is being released on the market that seems to make it harder and harder for spouses and partners to stay away from addictions that they should not be involved in. The ever-popular cell phone is of course one such gadget that plays a huge role into why so many people feel this way,. Then of course there are the countless nooks and crannies that family computers provide to people that get online and roam around World Wide Web. Family computers have caused many serious issues for numerous couples and the problems they can cause are growing in leaps and bounds. This is especially true for partners that suspect their loved one is trying to hide their addiction to porn.

Couples of today have enough problems to worry about without wives having to constantly worry that their husband is sneaking around spending a lot of their time visiting countless porn sites that flood the Internet. What many people do not realize is with this type of addiction, in many cases, it often turns into much deeper problems that include infidelity.

If you believe that your husband is addicted to porn that is readily available on the web, an computer forensic examination can give you the advantage of finding out for sure. You just simply send your husband's computer hard drive to the private investigator that will be performing the investigation and in no time you will be supplied with any evidence that they are able to recover deleted data on the hard drive. Although it is true that many people are supplied with evidence of the porn addiction they had suspected, there are many others that receive the peace of mind in finding out that their spouse is not dabbling around in any type of unfaithful behavior at all.

Not only is an computer forensic examination the perfect way to find out for sure if your husband is addicted to porn, but there are also other types of situations that this investigation can clear up. Some of these would include occasions where parents believe their teen may be sending and receiving inappropriate emails or pictures, when employers believe an employee is abusing time spent on the business computer, and when infidelity is suspected to be occurring in a relationship or marriage.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc and If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Benefits of a Computer Hard Drive Forensic Examination

Computer forensic examinations have become a widely known form of investigation that is performed by expert private investigators simply because of the large amount of evidence that they can provide for many different types of troublesome situations.

A situation where a partner is cheating in a relationship or marriage is one of the most common reasons for this type of investigation that generally comes to the minds of many people that first hear about a computer forensic examination. Although the evidence that experts are able to obtain with this service when infidelity is occurring in a relationship has provided many people with the answers they were looking for, there are also other situations and benefits of having a computer forensic examination performed.

To list a few of these would include situations where employee misuse of company computers is suspected by the employer of a business, when problems of addiction to porn is suspected to be occurring in a relationship, and many different areas of misbehavior that could end up as very serious problems that are suspected by a teen's parents. In some cases teen runaways have even been located because of the helpful information that was obtained during the performance of the investigation. The benefits that individuals and families receive from a computer forensic investigation can literally be priceless when the result is saving a child or teenager from tragedies that have been known to occur because of activity on the Internet.

One of the reasons that computer forensic examinations have become such a well-known and popular tool for many people is because of the different types of data that can be recovered from the hard drive of computers that a person suspects to hold evidence that they are looking for. Not only can these investigations recover emails that have been previously deleted, but they can also uncover deleted information that is contained in deleted files and documents, instant messages from AOL, MSN, Yahoo and other messenger chat logs, and even photographs and graphics that have been deleted.

When these different forms of evidence have been recovered from a computer's hard drive with a computer forensic examination, it gives employers, parents, partners, husbands and wives the proof they need to confront many different types of situations. It also gives them the opportunity to do whatever they deem necessary to either get specific problems completely eliminated or at least under control.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit
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Catching Cyber Stalkers May be Easier Than You Think

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Retrieve Deleted Text To Find What Your Teen Doesn't Want You To Know

Teenagers are naturally secretive for a variety of reasons. Sometimes these reasons are completely innocent while other times these secrets may be quite dangerous. One reason that teens are so secretive is because they are going through changes in their bodies and personalities that they do not understand. At the same time they are trying to find themselves and their place in the world. Other times however the reasons these otherwise good teenagers choose to keep secrets is because they have been involved in activities which they know we as parents would not approve of. Sometimes these activities may be downright illegal. Some such activities may include drug use or gang involvement. In order to get specific information on your teen’s activities it may become necessary to retrieve deleted text from their cell phone. This will give you the answers that in many cases your teens will not provide.

When you allow cell phone forensic investigators to retrieve deleted text from your teenager’s phone there is also many other pieces of information you can uncover. Some of this may include call logs, caller ID files, deleted voice mails and address book entries, contact lists, deleted picture and video files and calls made and received, as well as the duration of each of these calls.

You will find that SIM card readers are highly advertised to be able to retrieve deleted text and other information as effectively as a cell phone forensic investigation is able to do. The sad part of this is that in the majority of cases this is untrue and these card readers are often a waste of money and result in the destruction of this information. This is the primary reason why it is highly discouraged that you steer clear of these SIM card readers. After all what is the point of spending money on trying to get this information if it is only destroyed in the process.

Cell phone forensic investigators are highly trained in the process of finding the most effective tool available to retrieve deleted text in the safest and fasted way possible, causing no damage to the information. The average amount of time needed for this type of investigation is seven days. Once the investigation is completed the phone will then be returned intact along with a detailed report on the specific information that was recovered. This report gives you all the information you need to confront your teen with concrete proof of their activities and get honest answers.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Friday, October 15, 2010

Recover Debts Owed To You Using An Asset Search Investigation

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

There are possibly more debts that are going unpaid in our time today more than any other point in our history and the number of individuals that completely ignore the debts that they owe seems to continuously rise higher and higher every single year. Part of these unpaid debts is more than likely due to the fall of the economy that has hit almost everyone in one way or another, and part of it is undoubtedly the result of people’s irresponsibility. If you have endlessly been waiting to receive payment from an individual that owes you a debt and there has already been a judgment placed against them, there is a solution that is available that can help you obtain these funds. You can recover debts that are owed to you by consulting with an expert investigation that has the knowledge to perform an asset search investigation.

There are many times that individuals have been found to have hidden funds that no-one knows about, and their goal is to keep these funds and other items tucked away from the knowledge of others. However, when an expert performs an asset search investigation, bank accounts and other types of assets can be located. Obtaining information regarding hidden assets is often all that is needed to take to an attorney, giving them the evidence needed to build a court case against the individual, which can result in your favor.

It takes very little time for investigators to perform an asset search investigation and there is also very little information that they need to conduct this type of investigation. You will simply need to supply them with the social security number, the name, the telephone number, and the street address, of the individual owes on a debt that has been made with you.

When the asset search investigation has been completed, the professional investigator will supply you with all of the information that has been obtained regarding any real estate that has been placed in the individual’s name, checking and savings account information, investments like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, as well as a wide range of other types of assets that may be in the name of the person that owes you for a debt. If you have waited as long as you are going to wait for payment, recover debts that are owed to you by using an asset search investigation.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

Retrieve Deleted Text to Find Out How Trustworthy Your Employees Really Are

If you are an employer it is important for you to be able to trust the people you hire to work for you. The unfortunate fact is that no matter how careful you try to be, theft by employees is always a threat. Although many employers in today's world perform extensive background checks it is often difficult, if not impossible, to find out everything about a person before you hire them. It is important for employers to know that there are ways to retrieve deleted text from cell phones in an effort to find out how much they can really trust the people who work for them.

There are a multitude of tasks that forensic science can accomplish. One of these tasks includes the ability to retrieve deleted text from cell phones. In addition to this, there is also a variety of other pertinent information that can be obtained from a forensic investigation of a cell phone. For example you can find out what numbers have been called, experts can undelete deleted text messages, pictures and graphics, caller ID, email addresses, and other data. You can even find out how long the calls lasted and when they were received. This can even be done when the call history has been erased or deleted.

Many people often turn to the use of SIM card reader when they want to retrieve deleted text. This action is often not only ineffective but it can be severely damaging as well. SIM card readers rarely work on most cell phones and the end result is often the permanent destruction of the information that the person is attempting to recover. Once this information is destroyed, it is gone. There is no getting it back. For this reason SIM card readers are seriously frowned upon. It is much better to turn to experts who are trained in uncovering this type of important information.

If you are an employer concerned with the honesty and integrity of the people who work for you, there are other options available to you. By trusting a professional to retrieve deleted text from the cell phones of your employees, you are much more likely to get the information you are looking for. This will make it much easier to have the necessary data to confirm or deny your suspicions concerning the people who work for you. If this information uncovers proof that you are a victim of theft from your employees it is much better to find out, so you can take appropriate action.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Can I Read My Wife's Deleted Text Messages?

You have a nagging suspicion that your wife is texting some guy, but her text messages are deleted every time you get the chance to look at her cellular phone. Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common scenario -- cell phones are a blessing in some areas, but they make it very easy for uncommitted partners to hide their extramarital activities. While there is a chance that she isn't communicating with another guy in an improper manner, you can't shake the feeling that she is, and you just want to see what it is that she's been writing and receiving on her cell phone. The best way to read deleted text messages on a cell phone is by using a cell-phone forensics service.
Recovering deleted text messages from a cellular telephone or mobile device is relatively easy, at least for a for a data recovery specialist. The technology is the same type that is used to recover lost or deleted data from computers, but instead it is applied to cell phones and hand-held mobile devices.
Even though there's not much good about your situation if you think that your significant other is carrying on with another man in an improper way, there is a silver lining to using a cellular telephone forensics service. While you will be able to recover deleted text messages, you can also recover other data that has been removed from her cell phone as well. This information can include deleted pictures, old contacts, email addresses, caller-id history, and deleted videos if her cell phone supports video captures or storage. If she is texting another man, there's a good chance that she's also engaged in other types of communication using her cell phone, and a cell-phone forensics specialist will help you to recover that deleted data.
Another positive aspect of using a mobile phone forensics specialist to recover deleted text messages is that they are equipped to analyze just about any type of mobile or hand-held device. From older-style cell phones to Blackberrys, PDAs, to today's latest mobile computer that doubles as a standard cell phone. Really, today's cell phones are more like mini computers than they are what we would have considered a cell phone even a few years back. If you want to successfully recover those deleted text messages, you need to use a service that is familiar with the changing technologies, and a mobile phone forensics expert is one of the few who can do this.
It's unfortunate that you suspect that your wife may be carrying on in an improper manner with another man, but there is a way to retrieve her deleted text messages. A cell phone forensics specialist will be able to help you recover those messages so that you can put your nagging suspicions to rest once and for all.

Ed Opperman , president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
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Friday, October 8, 2010

Take a Look Into What Your Teen Is Doing Online With Computer Forensic Examinations

As if our teen children did not already have enough places to get in trouble that we as parents have to continuously monitor and worry about, the cyber highways of the Internet have created even countless other areas for teenagers to misbehave in. Not only do we need to monitor their behavior to ensure that they are not up to things they should not be doing, but much of the monitoring that all parents should take part in is for the safety of our kids.

Most all of us would like to think that our teens only get on the Internet to study and do research for various homework projects that they have.

However, this is definitely not realistic thinking, and this is especially true in homes where the teens parents are gone a large amount of the time, working to support the family. There is a way for parents in situations such as this to take a look into what their teen is doing online with the information obtained from a computer forensic investigation. By consulting an expert private investigator that has the experience and knowledge to perform this type of investigation, it gives you the opportunity to ease your mind about their activities and it is an added step you can take to ensure they are protected while they are spending time on the Internet.

By sending an investigator the hard drive from your teen's computer, you can obtain information such as documents that have been erased, images that have been deleted, various types of chat log history from messengers like AOL, MSN, AIM, Yahoo and others, files and emails that have been deleted and other types of helpful information. In some cases there have been parents that have even been able to locate their teen child that has run away from home from the information they obtained through a computer forensic examination.

There is simply too much danger that our children and teens can get into without them even realizing they are putting themselves into a dangerous situation, for parents not to take advantage of the benefits that are received through this type of investigation. Not only can you take a look into what your teen is doing online with a computer forensic investigation, but this is a service that can help in other types of situations as well. Some common situations this examination is done is when misuse of employer's computers is suspected, when people suspect infidelity, and situations that involve porn addiction.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

When You Need More Than a PO Box to Locate Someone

There are many people these days that use a P.O. Box, rather than using a physical street address. In many cases where an individual lives in a rural area it is simply easier, and in several other cases it is because of the growing crime rates of criminals stealing the identity of another person. When an individual uses a P.O. Box for all of their mail it makes it much harder for problems like identity theft to occur. This leaves numerous people no choice but to use services like a reverse P.O. Box finder investigation to obtain the physical location of individuals that they may be searching for.

Although it may be much safer to use this type of mail service, it can make it very hard to locate a person that is trying to hide from unpaid debts that they are responsible for, individuals that are trying to stay hidden because of a judgment of child support that has been filed against them, and even for locating a lost family member or loved one that you would like to get in touch with once again. A reverse P.O. Box finder investigation that is performed by expert private investigators is an easy way to find the current street address and even the telephone number of individuals that you have had problems being able to locate.

The good thing about this type of investigation is that it does not require a lot of foot-work on your part. As a matter of fact, information like the person's date of birth or approximate age, the last address that you have for the individual, and their name, is the only information that you will be required to send to a professional investigator that will be performing this search for you. There are many people that are very surprised that it is this easy, because more often than not, a person expects to end up going through a very complicated matter before being able to actually locate a person.

There is also not a lot of time that is involved in performing a reverse P.O. Box finder investigation. This means that people are able to quickly locate long lost family members in a very short amount of time. Once the investigation has been completed, the expert investigator will supply you with detailed information such as the current street address and the contact phone number of the individual that you are trying to locate.
Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

For assistance in performing a Reverse PO Box break contact Ed Opperman Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc through his web site
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Are the Signs of Cheating Showing in Your Relationship Or Marriage?

There are more relationships and marriages in today's time than ever before that have been affected in one way or another by either one or more of the many different signs of cheating that continue to destroy relationships on a daily basis. The sad fact of the matter is that online infidelity has grown in epidemic proportions, and it continues to become a bigger and bigger problem as even more individuals begin surfing various sites on the Internet.

Have you noticed that your husband acts strange and rushes to shut off the computer or hide what he is doing on the Internet when you walk by or into the room? Maybe you have noticed your wife suddenly interested in various social networking websites that you have never heard of before. Perhaps you have realized that every time you enter into the room your wife hurries to exit the instant messages and other activities that she is engaged in on the Internet. There are actually a wide variety of different signs of cheating on the Internet that can show up in a relationship or marriage, making innocent partners question the honesty and faithfulness of their partner.

The important thing is to know what to do about it when there are signs of cheating that are showing up in your relationship or marriage. An online infidelity investigation is the perfect answer to problems such as these that can put your suspicions to rest and give you the answers you need to know about any infidelity that your spouse or partner may be committing.

Supplying an expert private investigator with the email address of your partner or spouse is all the information needed to perform an online infidelity investigation. Before you know it, you will then be supplied with a detailed report containing detailed information about various networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and others that your spouse may be registered with to meet other lovers. This investigation will also show evidence of sites that may be registered on such as porn sites, escort sites, fetish sites, and other such sites that are generally considered to be unacceptable behavior when you are deeply involved in a marital relationship or other relationship commitment.

If you notice the signs of cheating are showing up in your relationship or marriage, there is absolutely no reason for any person to just sit back and let it happen without doing everything you can to get to the bottom of any cheating that may be ripping your relationship apart.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in spotting the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
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Monday, September 13, 2010

When You Notice Signs of Cheating, Does it Always Mean Infidelity?

When any person notices the signs of cheating occurring within their marriage or relationship, the first thing they generally wonder is if it always means that their partner is engaging in some type of infidelity. In many cases, once an individual begins seeing the signs of cheating, it does in fact mean that their partner or spouse is up to no good. However, there are also many cases where there is absolutely no unfaithful activity going on at all. This is simply because every single person has their own ideas and views of what they believe to be the the red light warning signals that some type of unfaithful act or infidelity is going on within their relationship.

One of the best and most effective ways of finding out for sure if the signs that you believe to be valid reasons for worrying are in fact signs that your marriage or relationship is in trouble is through an online infidelity investigation. This type of investigation is actually one of the best services available today that has helped countless individuals prove or disprove their suspicions that an unknown person is invading their territory.

Many unfaithful partners and spouses believe that when they register with sites such as porn, escort, or dating sites, that if they erase their browser history, there will be no way for their partner to find out what they have been up to. This is of course untrue. Experienced private investigators that perform online infidelity investigations have the ability to obtain information about sites such as these that your partner has registered with. They can also obtain information that pertains to a wide variety of social networks like Myspace and Facebook, fetish sites, and swinger sites. Sadly, there are as many as 30% of the individuals that register with online dating websites that have already committed to a spouse and are involved in a marital relationship. An online infidelity investigation is a very effective way to learn if your spouse or partner is included in this percentage and put your worries to an end.

As soon as you believe that your partner is showing you the signs of cheating, it would benefit you and your relationship to consult with an expert in the field of computer infidelity investigations. Many people wonder if the signs of cheating they are noticing always means that infidelity is occurring.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in identifying the Signs of Cheating and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Do You Do When You See the Signs of Cheating in Your Relationship?

There are far too many people today that notice the signs of cheating in their relationship or marriage, and one of the hardest parts about it for many people is wondering what in the world to do about it. The fact of the matter is there are several choices that generally come to a person's mind. Knowing the right choice to make is a big part of successfully getting to the bottom of the problem and deciding on the appropriate solution.

The first thing many people think about is simply giving up and walking away from their partner for good. There are others who instantly feel extreme anger and think about secretly following their spouse or partner around to see what they are up to. Then, there are still others who instantly become insecure and depressed. They often fear the worst and give in to the fact that their relationship is doomed. When a person sees the signs of cheating within the relationship they have built upon a strong foundation and love, it can cause them to experience a major imbalance in the level of security they once felt. A person's mind can play viscous tricks on them when they believe that infidelity has reared its monstrous head in what they thought was a sound and solid partnership. Sometimes, a person will also wonder 'what if there has been a misunderstanding and they are completely misreading the situation'? Believe it or not, this actually happens more than you might think.

The best thing that you can do before jumping to conclusions when you believe you have seen the signs of cheating, is contact a professional private investigator that has experience in cell phone forensic investigations. They have the knowledge and the specialized tools to retrieve deleted text and other data from cell phones that often answers all the questions a suspecting spouse has been worried about. When you retrieve deleted text from a cell phone it is a process that not only can prove infidelity, but in many cases it can put a person's mind at ease by disproving the suspicions of cheating that have been on their mind.

Cell phone forensic investigations can be the perfect answer when you don't know what to do when you see the signs of cheating in your relationship. This type of investigation is in no way compared to SIM card readers that can damage or even destroy data. It is a safe and effective way to retrieve deleted text messages and other needed data.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Signs of Cheating - How Do YOU Handle Seeing Them?

Since every single person is different in how they react and handle various types of situations, there is a wide variety of ways that a person may choose to handle specific situations when they see the signs of cheating occurring within their marriage or relationship. The best thing a person can do when they begin noticing any changes or warning signals in their relationship is to take a step back and do nothing until they have valid proof that can validate any suspicions that may be caused from various signs of cheating they have noticed.

One of the best and most popular ways of validating suspicions that are often caused when signs of cheating begin to occur in a marriage or relationship is to consult with a leading private investigator that has the qualified experience and knows how to perform cell phone forensic investigations. The reason this type of investigation is so effective in situations like this is because most everyone these days uses a cell phone for a majority of their communication activities. Even when a person removes all of the text messages and other types of data they have sent or received, it can still be obtained when you recover deleted text messages using a cell phone forensic investigation. This means that a person's attempts to hide any type of cheating behavior that they have been involved in with another individual on their cell phone, is literally futile.

How you handle the signs of cheating that you notice is very important. When this type of situation is approached in the correct manner, there is actually a large amount of information that you can find out regarding the activities of your partner or spouse. Recovering deleted text messages and other data like call logs, caller ID, address book entries that have been deleted, graphics, pictures, photographs, and other data is one of the best ways available today to handle seeing the signs of cheating. It is becoming more and more popular as one of the leading investigative tools used by countless individuals that see signs of cheating in their relationship.

In today's time a few warning signals that you are truly seeing the signs of cheating would be catching your wife texting another man, or noticing your husband deleting text messages and other data on a routine basis. Regardless of the information that is erased, you can still undelete deleted text messages to give you the information needed to reveal the truth about what is going on.
The author has over 10 years experience in tracking down and identifying cyber criminals. He has expanded and developed these internet tracing skills into the areas of catching cheating spouses online and locating runaway kids or dangerous bail jumpers with only an email address or screen name.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stop Harassing Prank calls Rent a Trap Line

Everyone knows what it is like to get phone calls where the number is blocked or unavailable. These calls can get to be very annoying, especially if you get a lot of them. There is now a way that you can find out who is behind these phone calls known as a trap line, no matter what way they use to try and block their number. You want to rent a trap line to start using on your home phone and even cell phone.

Before you rent a trap line, you need to understand what it is. A trap line is basically technology that allows you to unblock caller id blocks, unblock any blocked calls you get and you will receive an email notification letting you know that there is a message for you. When you have a cell phone or a second phone that you want to use with this technology, you can first route the calls through this line and then you will get the information of who is calling immediately before you answer.

A trap line uses (AIN) Automatic Number Identification, which is what 911 dispatchers use every day to find numbers, names and addresses of calls that come in. When you rent a trap line, you will always know who is calling you so there will be no more surprising and annoying phone calls.

Now that you know what a trap line is and how it works, you need to know how you can rent a trap line. The first thing you need to know is that you can't find this technology at any phone company. There is only one place to get it and that is online. You just need to do a simple search to find it.

When you rent a trap number, you will find that the price is reasonable for anyone to use this technology. You can usually find a trap line for around $50 a month. You want to make sure you check out all of the details carefully before you decide to use this technology at home.

The trap line is definitely worth using for anyone, especially if you receive a lot of phone calls that you want to stop. Don't wait until you just can't take the calls anymore before you do something about them. Instead, go online and rent a trap line today so you will always know who is calling you before you answer.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in telephone harassment investigations. If you need a trap line service with (ANI)Automatic Number Identification visit
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010 - How To Recover Deleted Text From a Nokia GSM Cellular Device?'

If this is a question that you have asked at one time or another, you are definitely not alone. There are numerous individuals that own a Nokia GSM cellular device that would like the chance to recover deleted text and other data. To list a few of the reasons why undeleting deleted text could be beneficial to a large number of individuals would include the following:

- Some people accidentally erase important data that they fully intended on saving for future use.

- A countless number of innocent victims of infidelity can catch cheating partners when they have a way to obtain SMS messages that their husband, wife, or partner removed from their Nokia GSM cellular device, simply so that their mate could not find it.

- Employers have the ability to prove many incidences of theft when they consult with professionals that know how to recover deleted text and other data.

- Numerous parents of teenagers that suspect incriminating evidence to be contained on their Nokia GSM cellular device concerning bullying other teens, sending and receiving sext messages from their boyfriend or girlfriend, and even the use of illegal drug substances, can confront these problems when they consult experts that know how to retrieve data from cellular devices.

A cell phone forensic investigation is a procedure that is performed by professional experts that have the knowledge necessary to know how to recover deleted text from Nokia GSM cellular devices, and it is the best investigative tool that is available to uncover the truth about what your partner, teen, or employees are up to. A list of some of the data that can be retrieved from a Nokia GSM is as follows:

- GPRS access points
- Names and telephone numbers that are located within the phone book of the device
- File system
- To do list
- Device properties
- MMS settings
- SyncML settings
- Detailed information containing duration and time calls were made and received
- Chat settings
- SMS text history
- Permanent memory
- Calendar
- Notes
- Information on profiles saved
- Other deleted data

If you would like to know more about how to recover deleted text from a Nokia GSM cellular phone device, just make sure you contact a professional investigator with a background in cellular or digital forensics. Relying on cheap over-the-counter SIM card readers is a mistake that can cause you to lose all the data on the device, making it impossible to ever be retrieved again.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted Nokia texts and other useful information please click here now:===>
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Review of's Investigation Services

EmailRevealer coms Investigation Services Now Identify Cheaters Using Porn and

Friday, July 16, 2010

Do You Suspect Your Man is Sleeping With Prostitutes?

Are you worried that your husband or boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes? Usually your first instincts are correct. The old expression about a woman's intuition is based more on fact than just fiction. Infidelity can take many shapes and forms but historically the most difficult form of infidelity to discover is when a man is cheating with prostitutes or escort services. Infidelity with prostitutes is usually more anonymous and without any emotional ties so a man sleeping with a prostitute will leave less clues to his adultery.

In the past the only way a man could find a prostitute was on a street corner, a brothel or hotel bar. But today the majority of prostitutes find their clients over the Internet. There are web sites, blogs, message boards and even entire online communities devoted to prostitutes who call themselves "providers" and their clients who call themselves "hobbyists". They rate each other and give reviews based on price, cleanliness, honesty and attractiveness. They will also blackball members for things like dishonesty or STDs.

There are also "adult dating" sites that also cater to prostitutes. Sometimes you'll even find porn stars advertising their services on these adult dating sites. If you suspect your husband or boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes there are some steps you can take to either confirm or dispel your suspicions but you should do something. It's not healthy to live in doubt, distrust and suspicion. It's not good for yourself or the health of your relationship. Suspicion and distrust will breed only contempt.

Today with so much infidelity originating on the Internet a cottage industry of private investigators has grown up that can investigate online activity to uncover infidelity or other inappropriate behavior. You can find secret dating service memberships, locate secret email addresses and Myspace pages. You can also find out if they are members of escort service communities and porn cam sites.

If you decide to hire an investigator to look into this be sure to hire someone that has experience in online infidelity investigations. Do a Google search on the company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in the field and be sure to compare pricing and turn around times before deciding on who to hire. If you suspect your man is sleeping with prostitutes you need to find out the truth.

Ed Opperman, Preseident of Opperman Investigations Inc is considered an expert in Online Infidelity Investigations. If you suspect cheating visit
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Press Release :
EmailRevealer's Digital Forensics Services Catch Cheaters using Cell Phones, Computers

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Can I Retrieve Deleted Text From a CDMA Cell Phone

There is a variety of different situations that many individuals all around the world have found themselves in that are perfect reasons for contacting a professional expert that knows how to recover deleted text from cellular devices. To include a few of the most common reasons that many people have cell phone forensic investigations performed on their cellular device would include the following:

Infidelity - Countless individuals have caught their wife texting another man, or their husband deleting text messages, which is often a sure sign that an affair is going on.

Teenage Bullying - This is a growing problem that affects many teen victims.

Sexting - Adults and teens alike engage in sending sext messages to their partners that are inappropriate.
Illegal Drug use - Many times when this problem is suspected, incriminating evidence can be found on the adult or teenagers cellular device.

Employee Theft - When an employer suspects theft, an investigation of employees phones often result in the evidence needed to confront the situation.

To give you an idea of just how helpful a cell phone forensic investigation can be when you are facing one of these types of situations, below you will find some of the most common data that can be retrieved from a CDMA cellular device when you have a professional retrieve deleted text.

SMS History
To Do List
Device Properties
Phone Book
Call Logs
File System
Memory Dump
GUID Properties
NV Memory Dump

When you will want to keep in mind is if you choose to purchase a SIM card reader over-the-counter, this is a step that will not only waste your money, but on many occasions it only ends in data that is completely destroyed. It is very rare for a person to find a reader that works properly with a particular device. Experienced professionals with thousands of dollars in valuable equipment will often have to try various tools before finding the right one to work with specific cell phone devices. Using an expert is your only assurance that when they retrieve deleted text and other data, that no damage occurs causing the evidence you need to be lost forever.

The next time you ask the question 'how can I retrieve deleted text from a CDMA cellular device, speak with a professional that has the experience and the knowledge to perform a cell phone forensic investigation. After sending your phone, you can expect results in as little as 48 hours on a disk containing a detailed report of information found on the device.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted CDMA texts and other useful information please click here now:===>
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Recent Articles:
Is Your Teen Sexting? Recover Deleted Text Messages and Find Out!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How to Recover Deleted Texts to Expose Teen Bullying

Teen bullying is a serious problem that seems to have grown in leaps and bounds over the past several years. There are some people that believe it is because so many teenagers spend so much of their extra time on the Internet and browsing in areas that they shouldn't, and then there are others that believe cell phones add to the problem as well. One thing is for certain, teenagers have a much bigger access to things that they have no business in indulging. There are far too many parents in our society that recover deleted text messages and other forms of data, only to find their teen has been bullying other kids at school and in their neighborhood.

If this is something you believe your teenager has become involved in, a professional expert that performs cell phone forensic investigations can help you undelete deleted text so you can get to the bottom of the problem. Aside from having the tools to recover deleted text, there is also other useful data that can be retrieved as well. Videos, SMS text messages, email addresses, contact names and phone numbers, sext messages, graphics and photographs, caller ID, call records that include times and duration of calls that have been received and dialed, address book, and other data that has been erased can also be recovered.

It is very important to consult with an experienced investigator that knows how to recover deleted text and data when you think teen bullying has become a problem with your child. SIM card readers that are found in over-the-counter form should always be avoided, as they are well known for causing problems during the process, which ends up in having destroyed data.

Many parents that choose to have knowledgeable experts perform a cell phone forensic investigation are able to stop the problem of teen bullying before it becomes very serious. All you are required to do is mail your child's phone to the investigator so the investigation can be performed. After they recover deleted text and any other data that may be on the cell phone, you will receive all of the information on a disk so you will have a chance to review the evidence that they were able to retrieve. What is even better is you do not have to spend days stressing and worrying over the investigation, as it only takes around 48 hours to complete.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>
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Recent Articles: Investigations Offers Asset Searches to Locate Hidden Assets

Friday, July 9, 2010

Some Statistics About Cyberstalking & An Effective Way to Stop It

The crime of cyberstalking is considered as a very serious problem in our society today, and it has affected a large number of people that use the Internet. When your email inbox becomes completely full of threatening messages over and over again by a stalker that has victimized you, every single time you get online, it can be an extremely frightening experience. Below you will find some researched data that was obtained in 2009 regarding individuals that have experienced harassing situations where they were stalked.

- 43% of victims are single
- 27% of victims are married
- In areas online that include instant messages, message boards, Myspace, Facebook, Craigslist, email groups, dating sites, and other areas, there is as much as 34% of all cases that occurred through the individual's email account
- 46% of the individuals that reported cyber stalking to the harasser's internet service provider (ISP) felt as if it achieved them absolutely no results at all
- 36% of all cases that were reported had stalkers that lived in the same country or state as the victim

Another statistic that has been found over the years is that there are more innocent victims every single year that become threatened or harassed by a stalker. There have been many people that find themselves asking if there is anything that can be done to put an end to this frustrating and frightening problem. The good news is there is a solution that is available.

A reverse email searchis a beneficial procedure that is performed by knowledgeable professionals that can obtain several different pieces of very helpful information that can ultimately reveal the true identity of the stalker that is invading your email inbox. You should never even consider the idea of ignoring continuous emails being sent to you by a threatening stalker when you can obtain the full name, the contact telephone number, physical address where they reside, information about their employment, their internet activity and websites they visit, their Internet Service Provider (ISP), and several other pieces of valuable information that can identify the individual responsible for cyber stalking you.

In most cases it only takes around 24 hours before you can receive informative details about the items that were found during the reverse email search the experienced investigator performs. There are, however, some instances where the process may take as long as 14 days. A person should never just ignore cyber stalking, as it is a serious problem and the guilty party needs to be identified.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyberstalking investigation visit
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Retrieve Deleted Text From a LG GSM Phone

Infidelity is a problem that makes a huge devastating impact on the lives of countless innocent partners and spouses every single day, and even sadder still is the fact that it is a growing problem that certainly does not seem to be getting any better at all. Since cellular devices have become so popular the number of people that are affected seems to have exploded. This is because these devices make it so easy for cheating partners to contact individuals they plan to have an emotional or even physical affair with, and then they can erase any texts that they have sent or received, and this keeps it so their spouse or partner is unable to find it. Or does it? What many people are not aware of is that you CAN retrieve deleted text messages and other data from cell phones.

A cell phone forensic investigation is a unique and beneficial service that has actually become known as the best investigative tool that is available today to help individuals catch cheating partners. If your partner owns a LG GSM device and you have ever asked 'how can I retrieve deleted text and other data that may be the incriminating evidence needed to stop the infidelity that is occurring, it would benefit you to speak with an expert in the field. Aside from undeleting deleted text messages, they can also recover the following:

- SMS history
- Device properties
- Logs of calls made and received
- Phone book
- Schedules
- To do lists
- File System
- Memos
- GUID properties
- Other data that has been deleted

As you can see a cell phone forensic investigation can be extremely helpful if you are trying to catch a cheater that has broken your trust and your heart. The important thing to keep in mind however, is that it is very hard to find an over-the-counter SIM card reader that does not work properly. As a matter of fact, in most cases these readers end up completely destroying the very data that you are trying to recover. Experts that have tools costing thousands of dollars often need to try many tools before they find the one that works just right when trying to retrieve deleted text and other data from a cellular device.

One big reason why this type of investigation is becoming more and more popular all the time is because you can receive the results in 48 hours or less. After sending in the device, the expert will retrieve deleted text and other data, and then send you a disk containing detailed information.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted LG text messages and other useful information please click here now:
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Recover Deleted Text Messages to Investigate Extramarital Affairs

The sad fact is, not everyone you come across in your lifetime will be honest. An even harder reality to face is when that someone is your spouse. Yes, I am talking about cheating. Current estimates state that approximately 60% of men and 40% of women will have an extramarital affair sometime during the course of the marriage. It is a scary statistic, and no one wants it to happen to them, but oftentimes it does.

The reality is, when your spouse is having an affair, there are usually warning signs. Most people have reported that they knew something was going on, or had a feeling, but just weren't positive. It is pretty easy to recognize different patterns in someone whom you have known and spent time with for years. It is these changes in regular habits and activities that help give the affair away. Mysterious phone calls where the caller hangs up, the spouse spending unusual time outside of the house or staying out till the wee hours of the morning, and making an effort to hide their cell phone or text messages are all potential signs. Speaking of text messages, this is one area where progress has been made to actually recover deleted text messages in order to investigate extramarital affairs.

In the world of hand held technology in which we live, almost everyone has a cell phone and consequently, almost everyone text messages from time to time. When a spouse is cheating, they often use text messages to communicate, as a "safe" way to carry on the affair without being caught. Well, this approach may not be so safe anymore.

There are now products and services on the market that will actually help you to recover deleted text messages, or in effect UNDELETE these deleted messages. A new sector of the world of technology has been created specifically for these types of purposes called Computer Forensics. There are many applications for this type of service when you really think about it. Maybe you accidentally deleted some incredibly important information pertaining to your business, or maybe you deleted a series of text messages that you need to recover concerning threats made and you wish to report them to the police. The scenarios go on and on but more and more, these types of services are being used to allow spouses to undelete deleted text messages for the purposes of investigating suspicion of an extramarital affair.

I suppose the jury is still out on how these services relate to your privacy. Much like listening in on a private phone call, recovering these deleted texts can certainly be seen as an invasion of privacy. The applications could certainly be helpful to law enforcement officials when investigating crimes, however, making a great case for using a text recovery product. The important thing for all of us to remember is, every time you send an email or a text message, there is a record of it. Now, even when you hit delete, that record may not be as deleted as you think...

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need a forensic examination of a computer or cell phone and an Internet infidelity investigation visit
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

An Easy Way to Retrieve Deleted Text From a SIM Card

Regardless of the reasons as to why a spouse, parent, or employer might want to retrieve deleted text from the SIM card of a cell phone, it can very quickly become a frustrating and daunting task to achieve if you do not know what the proper procedures are to go about recovering information without damaging either the cell phone or the SIM card itself. There are some people that try to tackle this job on their own, and more often than not they end up losing all of the data they were hoping to recover. The same is true about SIM card readers that individuals can buy over-the-counter. Even though the use of these readers is strongly discouraged against, there are still some people that believe they will work. More often than not, the result of using them is important data becoming completely destroyed to the point it can never be recovered again. This leaves many people wondering if there is an easy way to retrieve deleted text from a SIM card without losing important data they desperately need to obtain. Various pieces of information is often needed because employers would like to find out if a specific employee has been stealing from their company, parents are trying to get to the bottom of what their teenager is up to, and partners that are hoping to put an end to the suspicions of cheating they are having about the love of their life.

The answer to this question is that there is an easy way to retrieve deleted text and other types of important data from a SIM card, and this is by consulting with experienced experts in the field of cell phone forensic investigations. This type of investigation is actually the best tool that is available and it is also the most effective way of being able to obtain several forms of data that can answer any questions of suspicions that you may be stressing over. There are many innocent partners, parents, and employers that have successfully obtained incriminating evidence to prove their suspicions were warranted.

These individuals will quickly attest that there is an easy way to retrieve deleted text from a SIM card, along with erased email addresses, contact information, videos, graphics, photographs, sext and SMS messages, and several other forms of data, and it can be done without harming the cell phone or the SIM card of the phone.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Put an End to Your Suspicions - Recover Deleted Text From Partners Or Teen's Cell Phones

It is very hard, and probably not the best idea, for individuals and employers to put their complete trust in their husband, spouse, a teen child, or even their employees. When a person gives this much trust to someone else, it often ends up in a bad situation that blows up right in their face. There are also many people that have been given plenty of reasons to believe that something is not quite right either in their marriage, their relationship, with their teenager, or with the activities of an employee that has been hired. The good part about this is that you can put an end to any suspicions that you may have simply by contacting an experienced private investigator to recover deleted text messages and other forms of erased pieces of data from the cell phones that they carry. No matter what type of cell phone that it is, a PDA, a Blackberry, a Palm Pilot, or if you just have the SIM card, many people are very surprised at the helpful information that can be retrieved from a cell phone.

When the actions and the behaviors of a person have caused you to start wondering about the activities that they are engaging in, it is best to just put an end to your suspicions and get to the bottom of the truth as to what is going on. A private investigator that knows how to undelete deleted text and recover deleted text messages and other erased data from a teen's or even a partner's cell phone, often reveals information on problems and activities that the innocent victim never thought for an instant could actually be happening.

Cell phone forensics investigations are the best service to be found today to recover deleted text and other types of data that has been erased from a cell phone. It gives numerous individuals the ability to confront employee's, partners, and children, about specific problems like infidelity, theft that is taking place, teen sexting, bullying, and even the use of illegal drug substances.

There is simply no reason to keep worrying when you can put an end to your suspicions and recover deleted text from an employee, a spouse, or teen's cell phone, giving you the option to put a plan of action in place. Cellular forensics gives you the advantage to not only recover deleted text, but you can also obtain erased videos, sext messages, caller ID, address book, detailed call records, email addresses, photographs and graphics, and other data.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cellular Forensics to Retrieve Deleted Text Is a Great Way to Prove Infidelity

There are many things that a partner or spouse can do that may be indicators that they are being unfaithful. In some cases these may turn out to be innocent misunderstandings, however more often than not, cheating is often the case. In very few cases these partners or spouses may actually admit to these indiscretions when they are confronted or questioned about their activities. For the most part however, it often becomes necessary to pursue other options in order to get honest answers to these questions. One such option is the choice to retrieve deleted text to get to the bottom of the problem at hand.

Once you have decided to retrieve deleted text messages from your partner's cell phone to get specific information about their actions, it will become necessary to contact a trained specialist with extensive experience. Forensic investigators not only recover texts, SMS, and sext messages, but many other important details as well. Some of the erased information you might expect to uncover through this type of forensic investigation includes such details as incoming and outgoing calls, length of calls, deleted address book, contact list and caller ID files, pictures, videos and voice mail messages.

If you are considering the option of using a SIM card reader to retrieve deleted text the best advice you can be given on this matter is don't. SIM card readers not only do not perform this function adequately, but they can also lead to irreparable damage and destruction. First and foremost these card readers are highly likely to damage or destroy the SIM card itself. Secondary to this, these ineffective devices can also seriously damage and destroy the information you are trying to recover. This damage and destruction is irreparable and permanent. Once this information is gone nothing can be done to bring it back.

If you are going to trust someone to retrieve deleted text from your cell phone the best alternative is to turn to a forensic investigator who is experienced and qualified to perform this process. By leaving this procedure to the professionals you can be sure that you will receive the phone back in the same condition as it was originally in, as well as receiving the information you need to answer all your questions. This process usually takes anywhere from a single day to two weeks. At the end of this time you will be provided with specific details of all information retrieved from this investigation.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why it is Important to Stop Individuals Suspected of Cyber Stalking

There are many reasons why it is important to identify and stop individuals who may be suspected of cyber stalking. The most obvious reason is the fact that the person who is on the receiving end of this type of harassment is most likely terrified by the events which are taking place. Cyber stalkers are all over the Internet and in many cases this terrorism often escalates into real life violence. No one should ever be so frightened by someone that they feel that they cannot report these occurrences and take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and stop this type of online abuse.

There are a variety of internet investigations which may lead to the identification and possible location and prosecution of individuals who engage in the activity of cyber stalking. The most popular of these online investigations include the use of a reverse email look-up. This particular investigation can uncover many pertinent details which are necessary to identify these sometimes dangerous individuals. Some of the information which may be obtained often includes the name, address and phone number of the individual, as well as where the computer is located which sent the unwanted and often threatening communication. Other information which may be discovered includes the person's place of employment, the internet service provider and browser type, and even the websites that the person has visited.

There are many websites which claim to be able to provide this information instantly free of charge, however many of these websites are largely ineffective and do not provide results that are very accurate. A reverse email look-up is by far the most reliable and most effective method of identifying individuals who may be cyber stalking an individual. In addition to this the investigators who conduct this type of investigation usually employ a no hit no fee policy. Basically what this means is that if the investigation does not result in the identification of the alleged perpetrator, then there is no charge for the investigation. You only pay if the information obtained actually leads to the identification of the person in question.

When you hire a trained and skilled professional investigator with the proper experience in the field, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of getting the necessary information to identify the person who may be cyber stalking you. This investigation may be performed within a time frame of anywhere from as little as one day to two weeks. You will then be provided with a detailed report of whatever information is discovered.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cyber Stalkers and the Internet - Know the Dangers

Many people perform a variety of functions on the internet. There's nowhere else you can bank, pay bills, shop and meet people all with the click of a few buttons. The reason so many people choose this avenue is because they feel it is safer than doing these things in the busy everyday world. Unfortunately, most of these individuals do not realize the dangers of the internet and cyber stalkers. Yes, internet shopping is convenient but it can also be dangerous at times as well and caution should be used at all times. Identity theft and stalkers are a real threat in our society.

Not all cyber stalkers appear in the form of threats of harm or menacing. Sometimes it may appear to be harmless communication from one individual to another. But when it becomes excessive or the communication is unwanted by the receiver it is still considered stalking. The good news is that there is something you can do about it. Internet investigations can tell you almost anything about a person sending emails. The most popular investigation of this type is a reverse email look-up. Some common information that is obtained includes who they are, where they live, what internet service provider and browser they use, what websites they visit and even where they are sending emails from, as well as where they work.

A reverse email trace can produce results in as little as 24 hours in some cases and generally no more than 14 days in others. This of course is dependent on the complexity of the case. Most professionals offering this service also have a no hit, no fee policy. Basically this means that if the trace produces no results there is no charge for the service. Most cyber stalkers are unaware of services such as these which often will result in making it much easier to track them in this way.

Cyber stalkers are a real threat and if someone is harassing you through cyber stalking you should not take it lightly. There are many ways to get information about people over the internet and what starts out as unwanted emails can and sometimes does escalate to real time stalking. If you find yourself in a situation such as this, turn to a professional investigator and get the information you need to stop unwanted communication. Don't wait until it becomes a problem too big for you to handle safely.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sexting and Teens - Retrieve Deleted Text to Get the Details

It is common knowledge that teens are going to test you to the limit by pushing the boundaries which you set for them. One way that some teens choose to do this is by engaging in sexting with their cell phones. Many teens are under the impression that once these messages are deleted no one will be the wiser. Rest assured there are ways that you can retrieve deleted text from their cell phones to find out what your teens are up to. If you have teenagers of your own, this is one avenue you will most definitely want to explore.

In addition to being able to retrieve deleted text from cell phones, a forensic cell phone investigation can uncover other important information as well. Some of this information often includes contact names and phone numbers, deleted video and pictures, incoming and outgoing calls and deleted voice messages. By recovering this erased information it is often possible to see exactly what kind of messages are being sent and received from your teen's phone. This will help in determining what kind of activities they may be participating in, so that you will be better equipped to take the appropriate action to keep your kids safe.

SIM card readers are believed by many to be a beneficial tool to retrieve deleted text from cell phones. However, they are actually very ineffective. In many cases these readers destroy the very information you are trying to get your hands on, and once this information is destroyed it cannot be recovered. This can lead to frustration, not to mention the fact that you still do not have the information you were trying to obtain in the first place. Even specialists that are trained in retrieving this information will often have to use several tools before finding the right one for a specific model of phone.

If you believe your teen is involved in sexting on their cell phone, or any other dangerous or possibly illegal activity, you should consider this option. By turning to someone who is trained to retrieve deleted text it will ensure that you will gain access to information contained on the phone in a timely manner. In the long run, this will make you much more equipped to deal with the situation and do whatever is necessary to keep your teen safe from harm. As parents this is our job, and forensics investigators can give us the information to do this job effectively.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catch Cheating Partners by Recovering Deleted Text Messages

There are a large number of innocent spouses and partners in a relationship that end up finding themselves beating their own heads against the wall in trying to find a way that they can either prove or disprove the suspicions that they have been having about their partner committing infidelity. Unfortunately this is not always an easy task, and just when you thought you might be able to recover deleted text messages, you opened up their cell phone only to realize that they had already removed all of the SMS text messages from off the phone. When a couple begins to argue and they start lashing out threats of reading messages on cell phones, this is generally when all kinds of data gets removed, which permanently erases any type of evidence that the innocent partner would have been able to use against them. Or does it?

Thanks to the high tech advancements that are continuously being made in the technology of today, there is a way to successfully be able to retrieve deleted text messages, videos, and photographs from a cellular device and it does not matter when they were removed off the phone. When you choose to use the professional services of an experienced specialist that has extensive knowledge in cell phone forensics, there are several different types of data that they have the ability to recover from a cellular device. To list some of the deleted items that a forensic examination can recover from a cell phone would include the following:

· Address book

· Text messages

· SMS messages

· Sext messages

· Graphics and pictures

· Videos

· Caller ID

· Email addresses

· Contact names and telephone numbers

· Detailed information such as a call record listing both dialed and received calls and messages, along with the dates and times

The advantage of being able to use cell phone forensics has put countless individuals back in the playing field, giving them the ability to retrieve deleted text messages and other helpful information that gives them the evidence they need to confront their spouse when they are engaging in unfaithful acts. This type of service can also be very beneficial when it comes to proving the innocence of a spouse or partner.

It is very important that you do not mistake the services of cell phone forensics with that of a SIM card reader. Using a SIM card reader is a process that can completely destroy the data that is on the cellular device and make it impossible to be able to retrieve deleted text messages or pictures.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>

Friday, May 14, 2010

How to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages From Blackberry Cell Phones

On any given day there are individuals suffering because they suspect their spouse or partner is engaging in an affair. Much of the communication that cheating partners engage in with 'the other person' is done with their cellular device. They believe that if they erase texts, pictures, and other data, their spouse will never be able to recover it again. There are also cases where parents believe their teenager is engaging in bullying, sexting, and illegal drug use, yet they do not know how to retrieve deleted text for evidence they need to confront their teen. If you are among the individuals that have asked 'how can I undelete deleted text messages' then you will be happy to hear that there is help available.

A cell phone forensic investigation is a helpful service that can provide you with text that you may have accidentally deleted from your blackberry, or incriminating evidence you have been waiting for to confront your cheating partner, or teenager that is dabbling in unacceptable activities. If you have caught your wife texting another man, or if you have seen your husband deleting text messages from his blackberry, an expert can retrieve deleted text within a matter of about 48 hours, and then you will be supplied with a disk that contains a detailed report of the information that has been found retrieved. Some of the deleted data that professional investigators can recover from a blackberry cell phone would include the following:

· Text messages
· SMS messages
· Sext messages
· Address book
· Calendar
· Device properties
· Memo's
· Pictures and graphic images
· A detailed record of calls that have been made and received
· Tasks that have been performed
· Other data that has been erased from the cell phone

Before you retrieve deleted text messages or any other data from your blackberry device, it is important that you stay away from SIM card readers that can be purchased in over-the-counter form. First of all, it is very rare that a person is able to find a reader that works as it should in undeleting deleted text from a specific device, and generally individuals end up permanently losing the data that they were trying to recover to begin with. Even knowledgeable professionals that have thousands of dollars in tools for this type of procedure will often have to try several different tools before they locate the right on that works perfectly on a specific type of cell phone.

When you wonder 'how can I retrieve deleted text from a blackberry cell phone', make sure to consult with experts that are experienced in cell phone forensic investigations.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted Blackberry text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>