Saturday, December 15, 2012

More Steps To Ensure Privacy and Be Anonymous On The Internet

In our last article in this series we discussed the many reasons why people would want to remain antonymous on the Internet and the best first step they should take to create a firewall between them self and the world. That being a Nevada Corporation, with proxy service and nominee service. Once you have the NV corp you can set up a DBA for the corp, this will be a second name and even a second layer of protection for you, that DBA can set up a checking account as well. Your offline identity will the NV corp, your bank, your phone, auto registration, utility bills will all be under that name.

Now the next step is your online identity. Let's create your online persona. We can begin with a domain name registration. Pick a very common name like Ann Smith, if a stalker searches for the name Ann Smith they will get millions of hits. Use your NV corp bank account to buy a prepaid debit card and use that card number to buy the domain name Then take the extra step to buy the proxy registration offered by the hosting company. By using the proxy registration anyone doing a whois lookup on the domain name will not be able to see who the domain is registered to.

Now you can set up an email address on Such as Ann@annsmith .com. Anyone reading that would assume your name is AnnSmitth. You can take this a step further by using that email to set up some online social networking accounts using that name and email. People checking up on that email address will see plenty of "proof" that Ann Smith is a real person with a real email account.

When setting up your email on your domain you want to be sure not to use a PC based email program like Outlook Express, you only want to use the web based version on Gmail. Gmail will strip your IP information from your email headers if you have it set up correctly.

Now if you notice we are not only taking steps to conceal your real identify, we are also creating an alternate Internet identity so that stalkers trying to locate or identify you will only find information about the fictitious "Ann Smith". Use your imagination and create blogs and blog posts. Place some ads on craigslist using your email. Let your potential stalker find a whole lot of information about the fictitious Ann Smith. Her pets , her vacations, where her kids go to school, the church she attends. If you ever have the unfortunate experience of being the target of a cyber stalker , it is this kind of information they are looking for, so give it to them in droves , but all for the fictitious Ann Smith.

What if your stalker is really slick and uses online data base searches that he pays for? Well we can fool those too. The fictitious AnnSmith is going to fool those data bases as well. These data base services obtain information from people from credit headers and other sources where people voluntarily but unknowingly give their real name and phone number when filling out credit applications, give a real name and address and phone number when ordering a pizza from large chains and or subscribe to magazines. While you live in Kansas , lives in a penthouse in NYC, she orders pizzas to her manhattan address using her prepaid cell phone and loves to fill out applications for fun. has left quite a paper trail for herself.

ed Opperman of Opperman Investigations is a Private Investigator and a Paralegal, if you need assistance setting up a corporation contact

Step One To Ensure Privacy and Be Anonymous On The Internet

As a private investigator that specializes in email tracing and Internet investigations I am often asked about Internet privacy. One particular question involves sending an anonymous untraceable email. Where a person wants to convey a message to another person via email but do not want their identity revealed.

Other concerns are privacy and protection from online cyber stalkers and online cyber bullies. People want to enjoy the Internet and engage in online discussions and social interactions with out the fear of attracting unwanted attention from an obsessive person that may take things too seriously. Often celebrities such as a model, actress or entertainer and they want to be online and interact with fans but do not want overzealous fans to be able to locate their home address

Others may conduct business online that is of a sensitive nature,such as adult entertainers or perhaps a private investigator or bounty hunters, investigative reporters and whistle blowers. These are people that may want to share information online without having their identity or location revealed.

There are steps you can take to ensure your privacy online and some are extreme and others less extreme.

Step One A Nevada corporation. Having a NV corporation is quick, easy and not very expensive. You can use a registered agent and nominee service to keep your personal name and address private. You can then use that corporate name to set up a bank account, PO box and register your cars, phones etc.

Now all of your online activity will have to filter through that corporate name. Your Internet Service Provider, web site domain registration etc. A good way to set up your Nevada corporation is by using a paralegal. They always cheaper than hiring a lawyer and setting up your corporate shield is a very simple and quick process. Many private investigators are also paralegal's and will have unique insight into privacy matters. So if you can find a paralegal that is also a PI that's a bonus.

The NV corporation will be like a firewall between you and the world but it's only one firewall we will create many as you will soon see in follow up articles. We will be looking at trusts, web site proxy registration online anonymizer services that will conceal your IP address, prepaid debit cards and prepaid cell phones. We will also be discussing online payment services that and steps you can take to send and receive money anonymously.

 Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit