Sunday, July 31, 2011

How Can iPhone Location Tracking Feature Be Used In Missing Persons Investigations

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

If you are working a tough missing person case it's important not to overlook cell phone forensics and deleted data recovery. An incredible amount of information can be recovered from a persons cell phone. Deleted texts, pics, contacts and emails, but with the iPhone we have the additional location tracking information. This information can go back as far as two years and can pinpoint actual addresses as well as general areas of travel for an iPhone or iPad.

Of course cell phone forensics is only one part of a missing person investigation. The investigator must still follow all the normal routine steps of investigation like credit card bills, cell phone bills, email tracing, and interviewing friends, family and coworkers. But in this article we want to focus on cell phone forensics and specifically the iPhone.

Another unique feature to the iPhone or iPad is that people that use these devices will commonly back up the files to their computer. It is not widely known but you don't need to have the physical phone itself. The back up files can be examined and deleted data can be recovered from the files. This fact is especially important considering that many times when a person goes missing, their phone or iPad will go missing with them.

The way that the location tracking works is that the phone maintains a record of every cell tower that the phone ever hits on up a radius of 700 acres. The phone will also store every WIFI location the phone has ever connected to. This information can pin point to an exact address.

This kind of historical location tracking can be used to establish a historical routine pattern of movement for the subject. If this person has visited the same coffee shop every morning at 8 AM for two years it's likely they will return there. Likewise with dry cleaners and barber shops. These are the types of semi anonymous haunts that a person that is "on the run" or gone missing may still frequent even if they are trying to avoid being found.

Cell phone forensics, deleted data recover and iPhone location tracking are an excellent souse of information when investigating a missing person case. Remember even if the phone is missing as well you may find the back up files on their computer. These files can be examined as well.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Article Source:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Using an Email Trace For Non Custodial Parental Abduction Cases

Each year 354000 families find themselves caught in the nightmare of non custodial parental abductions.
A parental abduction is defined as "the taking, retention, or concealment of a child or children by a parent, other family member, or their agent, in derogation of the custody rights, including visitation rights, of another parent or family member"

If your child is the victim of a parental abduction you need to act quickly. You need to make contact with the police and establish a rapport with the detectives assigned to your case.

You need to inform your lawyer or if you do not yet have a lawyer, retain one that has experience in parental abduction cases.

You should also hire a private investigator that has dealt with parental abductions. An investigator that has experience in locating missing person, runaway children and ball jumpers should also have handled many parental abduction cases. Be sure the investigator is an expert in modern technology and state of the art Internet investigations.

Today PI's have many resources that can quickly resolve a parental abduction case. They can trace emails and use email tracing technology pinpoint the exact location an email is opened and read. So for instance if they were to send a pretext email to the abductor and the email was opened at a certain address at a certain time the PI could immediately notify the police in that jurisdiction to sweep in and recover the child.

The same goes with cell phone forensics, triangulation,pinging and other telephone investigations. A PI will have contacts and connections that can assist him in locating the user of a cell phone.

Equally important is being aware of Internet investigations. Such as being able to locate a person's secret email accounts, or find secret personal ads and social networking sites like Myspace, Friendster and Facebook.

All of this information will assist an investigator in quickly resolving a parental abduction case. If you do decide to retain an investigator make sure they have successfully resolved parental abduction cases in the past. Make sure they are recognized as an expert in the techniques like email tracing, personal ad investigation and cell phone forensics we described above.
Before hiring the investigator do a quick Google search on their name to see if they are recognized as an authority in non custodial parental abductions. Se if they have any experience in locating people with email tracing, cell phone forensics and Internet investigations.

The author has over 15 years experience in tracking down and identifying cyber criminals. He has expanded and developed these internet tracing skills into the areas of parental abduction cares and locating runaway kids or dangerous bail jumpers with only an email address or screen name.

Article Source:

Friday, July 29, 2011

What Is The Fastest Least Expensive Method To Catch a Cheating Husband?

All over the world women have one thing in common. They all know that any man can cheat and if they do they can ruin a marriage destroy a family and bring a horrible end to a once wonderful relationship. The sad fact is that any man can be tempted, most will resist but some will not. Nocturnally infidelity affects up to 70% of relationships so everyone must accept this a potential hazard to their relationship.

While most women may suspect at one time or another that their man may be about to stray the average woman may not know how to investigate or have enough money to investigate and catch their husband cheating. This is unfortunate because there are many affordable and easy methods to catch a cheater without shelling out a large retainer to a private detective to follow your husband around all day and night in hopes that you'll catch him in the act during that small window that a PI is right there on his trail and has eyeballs on the subject.

Today everything is digital. Our phones, computers, cameras, Internet. It's all digital and everything we do or say leaves a digital footprint. So it's far easier and far less expensive to begin our infidelity investigation in the digital area. The quickest and easiest method is an online infidelity investigation. You can trace your husbands email address back to secret online dating web sites, porn sites, social networks and even escort service sites. With this kind of simple initial investigation you do not need access to your spouses computer or phone. You just need his normal email.

This initial investigation is extremely inexpensive and only takes a few hours to return your results. If you do get some hits you can expand on that investigation and gather even more evidence of infidelity. A personal ad investigation would include a pretext ad from an attractive woman contacting your husband offering to exchange phone numbers and intimate photos. Now that would be damming evidence and not easy for the slickest cheater to talk their way out of.

Now this very basic investigation can even uncover evidence that can be used in court. Say a child custody hearing. Personal ads or social networking pages often have pictures, or conduct that a person is not proud of and would not want to see entered as evidence in court. For instance a man with pics and profiles on web sites that are focused on extreme sexual fetishes may be to embarrassed to pursue custody if they knew their secret life would be exposed in court.

So while many women may need an investigator to help with suspected infidelity they may think it's to expensive. But that's simply not the case. There are very quick, inexpensive ways to investigate infidelity.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

Article Source:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Most Common Reasons For an Internet Infidelity Investigation

There are many reasons why a person would want to hire a private investigator for an online infidelity investigation, to trace an email back to secret Internet personal ads and social networking sites. Some Internet Infidelity Investigations can also locate Escort Service sites, Gambling sites and porn sites. These are the most common reasons why a person would enlist a private investigator for such an investigation.

1. Suspect Cheating - The main reason people use this type of service is that they have noticed signs of cheating in their spouse,. This has roused their suspicions but they have no hard proof. They see their spouse testing and chatting online. Sending frequent emails and behaving secretive around their computer or mobile device.

2. Suspect a Porn Addiction - The basic Internet search of online dating sites can be expanded to include porn sites, swinger sites, cam sites and even escort service sites. Any spouse that suspects these kinds of activity can use this service to get proof using only their spouses email address.

3. Evidence For Child Custody Evaluation - It is very common for a person involved in child custody litigation to need evidence of inappropriate behavior in their spouse. Evidence of a porn addiction, dug use, gambling addiction or other inappropriate behavior can be obtained and documented in a report you can use in court. The basic Internet Infidelity investigation can recover very damning evidence. But if it's expanded on and the social networks and dating site ads are used as an entry into further contact and communication and interaction with the subject. Producing even more evidence and or testimony.

5. Suspect Homosexuality - Many times a spouse may suspect their partner is on the down low. A secret bisexual. This can easily be confirmed with the infidelity investigation. Often times the email address will be traced back to a homosexual dating service. You can then follow up with a personal ad investigation and attempt to set up a meeting or exchange phone numbers and pictures. It's hard to deny infidelity when you're caught exchanging emails and pictures, phone numbers with strangers online.

I's important understand the gravity of online infidelity. any people think it's just harmless flirting but one out of four online flirting situations lead to real life meeting. There are serious dangers involved with meeting strangers over the Internet. Like STDs,black mail, broken families, divorce and custody litigation. Online infidelity not a joking matter and if you suspect it, you should check it out to be sure you know what is going on under your roof and what your family is being exposed to.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service investigation website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

Article Source:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Reasons to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages From Cell Phones

Cell phone forensics is a helpful service that is becoming more popular all the time. This is because it can be extremely helpful to individuals in a variety of different situations. One of the most common reasons that many people use this type of investigation is because it can be a fast and easy way to catch cheating partners that are committing infidelity in a relationship or marriage. Generally individuals are able to obtain a wide range of information that they have been suspicious about their partner being engaged in, and they are able to obtain it in a matter of approximately 48 hours or even less. Being able to recover deleted text messages is just one of the valuable pieces of information that can be recovered from a cell phone after it has already been removed when a forensic investigation is performed. Some of the other bits of information that an experienced specialist can retrieve would include the following.

An address book that has been deleted
Deleted SMS text messages
Sext messages
Email addresses
Deleted graphics and photographs
Deleted caller ID
Deleted video
Contact information such as names and phone numbers
Detailed call records that include received and dialed calls, along with the time the calls were made and the duration of the calls

Not only can each of these help a great deal when infidelity is suspected, but also when parents may be suspicious about the actions of their teenager. When you retrieve deleted text messages it can either prove or disprove a person's innocence, and provide the evidence that is needed to confront any problems that needs to be brought out into the open.

To list a few of the situations that you might want to consider cell phone forensics where an experienced professional can recover deleted text from a cellular device would include to catch cheating partners engaging in infidelity, to spy on kids and see if your teen is sexting or bullying others, or to even see if possible drug use is occurring. As you can see there are several areas where this invaluable service can be of great help when problems arise within your family.

When you recommend a forensic investigation be performed on your blackberry or call phone, a professional investigator will examine the device and recover the data you need. When this has been completed, you will be provided with a disk containing a detailed report of all the evidence that has been found.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How To Use a Trap Line in Skip Tracing Investigations

Trap lines are an extremely useful investigative tool in skip tracing and other investigations such as a current place of employment locate. When you need to find out where someone works..The idea behind using a trap line is that if you capture the telephone number that the party is dialing from, you have a fact that they were at this location at the time of the call. This could be their home address or if hey are on the run a crash house or motel room.

If you properly set it up and ask them to call at a certain time, they could be calling from their work location. Of course, once you get the number they call from, you need to turn the telephone number you captured into an address.

A trap line will capture the incoming phone number even if it is unlisted or if Caller ID information is blocked. One may ask, how does a trap line get around the caller ID block? It's actually very easy and simple through the user of a toll-free number dialed. You could actually set up one yourself through a toll free 800 number. The problem is, you have to wait to get the bill to get the number the party called from.

What a trap line does is it provides real time ANI (Automatic Number Identification). That means you get instant customer name and address information. This information can be emailed directly to your laptop or blackberry so you can quickly swoop in on the target such as in the case of a bail skip, fugitive or non custodial kidnapping case.

Trap lines can be used in every area of skip tracing. Bail jumpers, run away teens, parental kidnapping and infidelity investigations. Trap lines have been used successfully in all of these areas of investigations. If you are an investigator you need to maintain a few trap lines but if you do not have one there are companies that rent trap lines and can have you set up and ready to go in minutes. Be sure to get your trap line from some recognized as an expert in telephone investigations. Do a Google search on their name and company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in the field of skip tracing and telephone investigations before you rent a trap line.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations. He is an expert in telephone investigations, reverse phone number search and trap lines.If you need to rent a trap line visit

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Retrieve Deleted Text Messages to Reveal Acts of Infidelity

A common problem that way too many men and women face in our society today is the pain and frustration that is associated with having to deal with a cheating partner. This is actually a problem of infidelity that is perhaps worse now than it ever has been in our history. The reason for this increase is because of the invention and the constant improvements that are continuously being made on many of our devices of technology. It is not at all surprising that one of the biggest culprits that make cheating such an easy act of unfaithfulness for a partner or spouse to take part in is the cell phone.

Even though the use of a Blackberry, Palm Pilot, iPhone, PDA, Motorola and many other types of cells phones have helped to cause cheating to become one of the largest problems of many couples today, there is also a benefit of technology that has become a huge benefit for the innocent partners. A cell phone forensic investigation can uncover deleted text messages from a cell phone and reveal acts of infidelity that your partner may be participating in. These investigations have been so effective at catching cheating partners that they are considered to be one of the best and most cutting edge solutions used today.

While text messages are a big part of what can be obtained when cell phone forensic investigations are done, there is also several other bits of data that can also be recovered. This investigation can retrieve deleted text, sext and SMS messages, email addresses, data from the caller ID, deleted videos, photographs and graphics that have been erased, address book and calendar entries, names and numbers on contact lists, call records revealing detailed information regarding the time and duration of calls made and received and various other types of erased data.

It is time for partners and spouses to stop being a victim of cheating and take a stand against those that think that can engage in and get away with such a horrible act of disloyalty. All you have to do to retrieve deleted text messages and other data that can reveal acts of infidelity that your partner has committed is send your partner's cell phone to an expert that specializes in cell phone forensic investigations. It takes very little time for them to complete the investigation and then you will be supplied with information giving details of the data they were able to retrieve.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Friday, July 15, 2011

Expert in Email Header Tracing Can Use IP Trace to Stop Internet Crimes

Internet crimes...we've all heard of them happening, and some of us have even been had by one or two. The simple fact remains that they do exist, and it seems that the masterminds behind them aren't getting tired nor are they slowing down anytime soon. So, we have to rely on the experts to catch them, the ones who specialize in email tracing.

A private investigator who is an expert in email tracing is able to use an IP trace to pinpoint the source of an internet scam. All that is needed is one single email that was sent from the internet scam site. The email will be stripped and the header extracted for thorough investigation.

Normally, an email trace will be performed to pull any personal details about the sender of the email, such as the full name, address and phone number when available. The ISP of the culprit is also determined, and can be used immediately to file an abuse report and at least temporarily stop the internet scam from continuing.

To take things a step further, a private investigator will also do an IP trace to determine the location from which the email was sent. So, if the scam artist is operating out of his home or somewhere else, you should be able to find out. Also, most experts will perform a header comparison to check for signs of previous related incidents. With a list of possible suspects on hand, it should be fairly easy for a private investigator to close in on the persons responsible...they will either rule out names or single them out for further investigation.

Email tracing can be a great time saver, especially when you have a first encounter with an internet crime. Most of these scam artists hide themselves so well that it's nearly impossible for you to be able to give any information about them and it actually lead authorities to them. So, you get a private investigator to do a little digging first.

You could certainly take on the task of doing these things yourself, using the free tools online. But, you won't get the results you want or need. You can attempt to find the identity of the person sending you the scam emails with a free email lookup, but you're not likely to get their real name. You can also use the IP lookup tools available and trace the IP from which the email was sent. Chances are this is going to give you a dead end too, only turning up the ISP and the location from which the IP was issued. Neither of these results will do you any good in putting an end to internet scams, and these scam artists are well aware of the fact.

The are many private investigators available to lend their services to you, but you must be sure they are an expert. More importantly, they should be an expert in email tracing and have experience with internet scams.

Ed Opperman, President of Opperman Investigations, is an expert in IP address tracing and has over 10 years experience in online investigations. For more information, visit now!

Catching an Online Cheater - EmailRevealer Online Infidelity Investigation

The internet has it's good and bad points. It can be a great place to connect with friends and family instantly, it can be a source of news, entertainment and you get information on any subject almost instantly.

Unfortunately, the internet also has it's dark side. It can be a source of a terrible temptation or an easy gateway to cheating.

Anyone knows there are thousands of dating sites out there as well as site designed just for married people to cheat, sex sites, swinger sites, escort service sites and porn sites.

No faithful spouse wants to have a spouse that is using the internet to cheat on them. It's a loving spouse's worst nightmare to find out you are being betrayed by the one you love.

Amazing technology makes up a lot of the internet and amazing technology can also be used to catch an online cheater.

If someone is cheating online, they can be caught cheating online. If someone is cheating, they are not going to go to the websites and talk to their lovers online in front of you. They will be careful to do it while you are away or on a private computer you have no access to. If you have access to the same computer they will try and delete any incriminating evidence of their unfaithfulness.

Some people see cheating in different ways. Some people think you have to actually have physical sex for it to be cheating. However, even a secret emotional affair is cheating, because they are keeping secrets from you, not being honest, and disrespecting you by having an online affair such as cyber sex or an email emotional affair. In short, they are putting this online lover in front of you, who they promised to love and forsake all others.

Whether your spouse is having a physical affair with someone they met online or having cyber sex, or an emotional affair, you have the right to you, and you need to know so you can make the choice of whether you want to be committed to a cheater or not.

By using the services of an online infidelity investigator, you can find out what your spouse is up to behind your back on the world wide web.

You can find out if they are registered with any of the thousands of dating sites online. You can also find out if they are registered with any escort websites, porn websites, or web cam websites.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need to Catch a spouse cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

Article Source: Catching an Online Cheater - EmailRevealer Online Infidelity Investigation

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Case Study Of An Average Reverse Email Search Investigation

In this article we will attempt to describe what the average email trace investigation entails. We will describe the reasons for most common type of reverse email search investigation and the steps a private investigator or law enforcement may take to trace that email and locate or identify the sender.

Email trace investigations take a variety of forms but the most common are the following:

1 Infidelity Accusation. This when a husband or wife will receive an email basically saying, "your spouse is cheating." When a private investigator receives this kind of case it is almost always easily resolved because the parties receiving the email will usually have a person in mind that suspect is ending the emails. This makes the investigation very easy because there is information to examine and compare that can either rule out suspects or result in a direct match to a suspect. This kind of match is very powerful evidence and can be used in court to obtain a restraining order.

2. Workplace Disputes This is when an employer or coworker will receive "whistleblowing" emails. These emails usually contain false and defamatory accusation and are sent with the intention of poisoning the minds of management or coworkers against the target of the email accusations. Once again this type of investigation is also very simple and routine because we are starting the investigation with a limited number of suspects. In addition we can assume the work hours of the suspect and tailor our investigation to obtain computer information about the stalkers workplace computer as well as their home computer or mobile device.

3. Church, School or Social Network. Many times a cyber stalking case will take among mutual members of a common group or organization. Once again this creates a limited number of suspects and once again, we can do comparison examinations to rule out suspects one by one until we get an exact match.

It is very rare for the target of a cyber stalker not to have any suspects in mind. They usually know exactly who is doing it but just need solid proof. The victim is often intimidated because they believe their stalker is very computer savvy and skilled at covering their tracks. This is flawed thinking. The fact is that cyber stalkers are very easily caught and identified. In fact the computer savvy ones are the easiest to catch because in their overconfidence they become sloppy and trip them selves up.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Need For More Aggressive Investigation and Prosecution of Cyber Stalkers

By Ed Opperman

If you have never been the victim of a cyber stalker you probably just assume that if a crazed cyber bully ever targets you all you need to do is make a simple police report and the crime will be investigated and prosecuted. Nothing could be further from the truth and no one knows this better than victims of cyber stalkers and the private investigators they hire to locate and identify the stalkers.

Unfortunately the victims of these kinds of crimes know all too well that after making a police report the sad fact is that nothing ever comes of it. The patrolman that show up to take the initial report do not see it as a serious threat. They will suggest the victim turn off their computer, ignore the stalking, delete the emails unread. These officers are accustomed to visiting homes on domestic violence calls and burglaries and they just don't understand the impact cyber stalking and bullying has on the victims.

It's a double edged sword. Large urban police departments will have computer crime units. They have trained personal, they have the software, the tools and the training. However they are overloaded with cases and can only expend time on serious threats and large money crimes. many times much of their efforts will be in support of murder investigation or large drug cases or organized crime prosecutions.

While small town police departs will not have the necessary training, software or equipment to do even the most basic of computer crime investigations. They routinely send out their computer crimes to out side venders and will not spend that kind of recourses on what they may consider an insignificant only harassment investigation..

This is why the majority of cyber stalking victims will retain the services of private investigators to do all initial leg work to locate and identify the stalker. Then reduce that investigation to a report that can be turned over to local law enforcement. In some cases the private investigator will be called to testify but many times the local police can duplicate the steps of the investigation and the PI will not be required in court.

The real solution to this problem would be to reclassify all computer crimes as Federal crimes, then all these investigations could be handled routinely in one central location. victims would not be subject to the whims or budget restrictions of local law enforcement agencies.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

Article Source:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Stop Internet Defamation With A Reverse Email Search Investigation

Internet defamation has become more than epidemic, its a plague! The Internet has reached the point where any anonymous person can create a fake email account and make any kind of accusation about anyone and say anything. Many times the victims of this kind of harassment is the target of a wide spread pattern of cyber stalking and the Internet defamation is only a portion of the attack. One crazed stalker with a lot of time on their hands can spend hours obsessing on their victim.

Not only is this kind of online defamatory abuse allowed it's actually encouraged by an every expanding group of Internet quick buck artists that have a found a legal loophole to make quick and easy cash. These unscrupulous con men set up web sites with legitimate sound names that mimic consumer reporting web sites. Then they encourage outright libel and slander against innocent people and businesses. Sometimes even having their own employees create fictitious complaints.

They understand that by using the names of popular people and companies they will attract web site visitors. Those visitors will increase the traffic statistics of the web site and thus return high advertising revenue. In fact many of the advertisers specialize in assisting the victims of the defamation in clearing their name and reputation by offering expensive Internet reputation repair and public relations campaigns.

The sleazy operators of these web sites hide behind the first amendment of the constitution. So the victims have no recourse against the web site owners or web site hosting companies. But with a reverse email search investigation the actual people spreading the lies can be located and identified and held financially responsible for any monetary damages the victim of this Internet defamation is subjected to. In some cases they may also be held criminally responsible.

A private investigator experienced in Internet defamation cases and reverse email search investigations can catch these people in the act and then reduce their finds to a report that can be used as an exhibit in court. They can also testify on your behalf in a lawsuit to recover damages. For now the owners of these sleazy web sites may be able to escape from justice but the actual authors cannot. If they are spread false defamatory lies about a person they can be brought to justice and made to pay for their crimes. They may think they have gotten aawaay with their crime but time is on the side of the victim and every one of these cyber criminals can be caaught eventually.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

Article Source:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What Is The Fastest Least Expensive Method To Catch a Cheating Husband?

All over the world women have one thing in common. They all know that any man can cheat and if they do they can ruin a marriage destroy a family and bring a horrible end to a once wonderful relationship. The sad fact is that any man can be tempted, most will resist but some will not. Nocturnally infidelity affects up to 70% of relationships so everyone must accept this a potential hazard to their relationship.

While most women may suspect at one time or another that their man may be about to stray the average woman may not know how to investigate or have enough money to investigate and catch their husband cheating. This is unfortunate because there are many affordable and easy methods to catch a cheater without shelling out a large retainer to a private detective to follow your husband around all day and night in hopes that you'll catch him in the act during that small window that a PI is right there on his trail and has eyeballs on the subject.

Today everything is digital. Our phones, computers, cameras, Internet. It's all digital and everything we do or say leaves a digital footprint. So it's far easier and far less expensive to begin our infidelity investigation in the digital area. The quickest and easiest method is an online infidelity investigation. You can trace your husbands email address back to secret online dating web sites, porn sites, social networks and even escort service sites. With this kind of simple initial investigation you do not need access to your spouses computer or phone. You just need his normal email.

This initial investigation is extremely inexpensive and only takes a few hours to return your results. If you do get some hits you can expand on that investigation and gather even more evidence of infidelity. A personal ad investigation would include a pretext ad from an attractive woman contacting your husband offering to exchange phone numbers and intimate photos. Now that would be damming evidence and not easy for the slickest cheater to talk their way out of.

Now this very basic investigation can even uncover evidence that can be used in court. Say a child custody hearing. Personal ads or social networking pages often have pictures, or conduct that a person is not proud of and would not want to see entered as evidence in court. For instance a man with pics and profiles on web sites that are focused on extreme sexual fetishes may be to embarrassed to pursue custody if they knew their secret life would be exposed in court.

So while many women may need an investigator to help with suspected infidelity they may think it's to expensive. But that's simply not the case. There are very quick, inexpensive ways to investigate infidelity.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

Article Source:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Suspect an Internet Porn Addiction?

Do you suspect a member of your family has an Internet porn addiction?More than 70% of men from 18 to 34 visit a pornographic site in a typical month. But what happens when that turns into a porn addiction?

"At a 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, two thirds of the 350 divorce lawyers who attended said the Internet played a significant role in the divorces in the past year, with excessive interest in online porn contributing to more than half such cases. Pornography had an almost non-existent role in divorce just seven or eight years ago."

The fact is that Internet porn addiction is a threat to our marriages and our families. It can also contribute to cases of child molestation and incest. This is something that needs to be caught and stopped early .Left unchecked Internet porn addiction can only grow and fester as the addict gets more desensitized to main stream pornography and seeks out greater more extreme sexual satisfaction.

If you suspect your spouse may be developing an Internet porn addiction you can take steps to uncover it, get them the help they need and save your marriage and family.

You can hire an investigator that specializes in this area. One that knows Internet investigation, online infidelity investigations as well as computer and cellular forensics.

A trained investigator can take a person's email address and uncover all of the suspects perverted Internet activity, Including the porn sites, dating services and escort service web sites that person is involved with.

A forensic examination of the suspects computer can recover deleted images, emails and a trail of web sites visited. A forensic examination of a cellular phone can recover deleted images, emails, text messages and caller ID information.

Secret email accounts, secret web sites and social networking pages like MySpace can also be uncovered in this kind of investigation revealing adultery, porn addictions or even worse, criminal behavior.

These kids of investigations when conducted by an experienced professional can be done quickly and inexpensively but you must be sure to hire the right kind of investigator with the training to perform high tech forensic examinations as well as Internet investigations. Do a Google search to see if the PI you want to hire is considered an expert in online investigations and email tracing before you hire them.

Ed Opperman president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in online investigations and computer and cellular forensics. If you need help with an Internet pornography investigation visit

Article Source: in the NEWS! Recovers Cell Phone Texts Messages in Tiger Woods Case

Friday, July 8, 2011

Retrieve Deleted Text to Finally Prove You Are Innocent of Infidelity

By Ed opperman

Are you in a relationship or marriage that is on the rocks because you have a spouse or partner that is stuck on the idea that you are cheating on them and they think you are constantly sending and receiving messages on your cell phone from your lover, yet you are completely innocent? Although there are many people out there that do in fact cheat on their partner, it is a very touchy issue that sometimes can cause suspicion and concern in relationships that it don't belong in.

Most all of us have heard over and over about the pain and frustrations that is caused when an innocent partner or spouse learns that their significant other has been cheating on them with another person, but what about the innocent people that are not cheaters? They know that they are completely innocent, yet they are still getting blamed for this horrible and dishonest act. Have you noticed that we hardly ever hear about any positive cases where infidelity suspicions were wrong?

If this sounds like the situation that you are in, it can be changed when you retrieve deleted text from your cell phone to finally prove to your spouse or partner once and for all that you are innocent of committing infidelity. Whether you use an iPhone, Motorola, Blackberry, Palm Pilot or other type of cell phone, a cell phone forensic investigation is a fast way to retrieve deleted texts and other data from your phone to show your partner that what you do on your cell phone has absolutely nothing to do with cheating.

It can be stressful and trying on any relationship when an innocent partner is constantly being blamed for cheating. If you would like to take the initiative of showing your partner that you are not cheating, retrieve deleted text to prove you are innocent of infidelity. Some common forms of erased data that can be recovered from a cell phone even when it has been erased includes sext, SMS and text messages, entries made and then erased from the address book and calendar, call records of all calls received and made, erased pictures, contact information including the phone number and the names that have been entered or erased, graphics and video and other deleted data.

Many people may be found guilty of cheating with a cell phone forensic investigation, but it is also the perfect way to prove you are innocent.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to Do an AOL Reverse Email Search

By Ed Opperman

AOL is one of the oldest and most recognized internet service providers and while many people have stopped using their connection portals, millions of people still use the AOL mail services. Even better, AOL now offers free, web based e-mail services. Many people prefer web based e-mails because they can take them along whenever they change their internet providers. The AOL web mail offers plenty of services along with web mail so it makes sense that it is one of the leading web mail providers.

Of course, because web mail is so popular and because there are people who like to change e-mail addresses often and create addresses specifically for newsletter subscriptions, junk mail, etc, there are a lot of AOL e-mail accounts that get hijacked by stalkers and people who like to send "anonymous" e-mails to others. The good news is this: if you have been getting unwanted e-mail from an AOL web mail address, it is possible to do a reverse e-mail search and find out who has been sending you the unwanted e-mail and make them stop.

Your first line of defense when it comes to unwanted e-mail is the reverse e-mail search provided by the web mail provider. If the e-mail is coming from an AOL web mail address, use the reverse e-mail search option provided by America Online itself. Using the web mail provider's reverse e-mail search tool should always be your first stop because it will be the easiest method in finding out who has been sending you the unwanted e-mail and/or spam. This is because it is easier for AOL to check its own records than it is for an outside source to try to check those records for you.

Of course, if the reverse e-mail search provided by AOL isn't successful, there are other options that are available to you. There are many different reverse e-mail search services available on the internet and you should try as many as you can to get the results that you need. If none of the internet based reverse e-mail searches work out, and the unwanted e-mail has become a real problem, you might want to consider hiring a professional search service to find out who, exactly has been sending you the e-mail. In some cases a professional search service is the best way to go because there are many people, cyber stalkers especially, will take many steps to make sure that their identities and contact information remain hidden.

Remember that you need to be taking steps to protect your own AOL e-mail account as well. Make sure that your password isn't obvious and that it is hard to crack. Change it often so that you can reduce the risk of having your AOL web mail account being hijacked by cyberstalkers or people who would send unwanted harassing e-mail to other people.

Your tenacity will also play a big role in whether or not you see success with your reverse e-mail search. The more thorough your search, the more likely you will be to discover the identity of the e-mail address owner. It can often take a professional investigator weeks to trace back and identify the person behind an AOL screen name and they do this work everyday. Even if the AOL mailer is using, dial up or a proxy server it is still possible for them to be identified.

AOL is one of the oldest email service providers and a person that has used an email account for a long time will leave more of an Internet "footprint" and it will be easier to identify them.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers cyber stalking investigations, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email trace, and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Facebook, Social Network or Road to Adultery

We have all heard of Facebook. The social networking site to communicate with family, friends, and old classmates. Can it really be just as simple as that. You can find anyone from your past, including ex-girlfriends, ex- co-workers or that old flame. That may be a problem in many people's eyes when they are involved in a relationship. Now I know you have all heard that "curiosity killed the cat". How many of you have had the thought of wanting to look up someone you use to date just to see what there up to. I'm sure we all get that that from one time to another.

Here is the only bad part about that. Who wants their significant other online possibly rekindling with an ex or flirting with their High School sweetheart? It happens, we all know that. If you want to know beforehand if your partner is cheating on Facebook, there is something that can be done. Before your partner plays you for a fool find out for yourself. If you sit and wonder or strongly believe your partner could be talking with someone on Facebook, that would upset you, or maybe you're just curious yourself? Don't sit there anymore but take a simple step to get the facts and know.If your husband searching out ex girlfriends this could jeopardize your relationship and family. Recent statistics have shown that one out of four times online flirting will lead to a real life encounter.

A private investigator can conduct an online infidelity investigation on your significant other to find out if in fact he or she is chatting with someone whom you would advise against. This kind of investigation is unique because it will take your husbands email address and trace it back to secret online dating web sites or social networking sites like Facebook. Once secret personal ads or a secret social networking page has been discovered the investigation can be expanded to include using a pretext web site of a sexy decoy to test your man and see if he's interested in meeting up with a woman he runs across on the Internet.

If you value your marriage and family you owe it to yourself to stand guard on your man and not let him be tempted away by some woman from his past that has no regard for you or your children. An Internet infidelity investigtion is the best first step to protecting yourself and family.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Does Your Teen Have a Secret Online Personal Ad or Secret Social Network Page?

Do you suspect your teenager is doing things online that they shouldn't be doing? Is it possible that your underage daughter is lying about her age and putting up personal ads on adult dating sites? Corresponding with adult men? Could they posting or emailing inappropriate pictures on secret social networking sites? Is your son involved in extreme fetish pornography?

This is an incredibly scary list of questions but sadly the answers can be even scarier that the unanswered questions. But one thing for sure it's better to be armed with the truth than to be in denial. The only way you can protect your children from online danger to confront it head on.

Stop and think. What's the best way to deal with unanswered questions about secret Internet activity? Hire an Internet private detective that has experience in uncovering Internet secrets. There are private investigators that have experience and specialize in investigating online dating sites.

There is something called an Online Infidelity Investigation. This is an online investigation where a PI will take aa persons email address and trace it back to secret online personal ads or social networking sites like MySpace or FaceBook.

Although this type of investigation was originally invented to catch a cheating partner in Internet infidelity it can also be used to check up on your sneaky teenagers.

The way it works is you provide the email address of the underage age teenager and they search thousands of online personal ad web sites. If that email is registered to any Internet dating service web sites they provide you the link to the web sites.

Investigation Includes:
- Dating Web Sites
- Swinger Sites
- Fetish Sites
- Social Networks
- Escort Service Sites
- Porn Sites
- Cam Sites

This kind of investigation is amazingly inexpensive and can return results in as soon as just a few hours. But just think of the time, money, and heartache you can save yourself if you can catch your child acting irresponsibly on the Internet and save them from all the dangers out there that they are just too you an immature to understand. Only you have the years of experience and wisdom to know that your teen may be exposing themselves to danger but only an experienced Internet investigator has the tools to arm you with the evidence needed to protect your family.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to Locate Someone's Current Place Of Employment

Do you need to locate where a person is working? There are many legitimate permissible reasons to do a current place of employment locate. It could be a child support order, to collect on a judgment or even to serve a subpoena or repossess a vehicle.

Whatever your particular reason is as long as it's legally permissible there are many methods a private investigator will use to find out where a person is working.

1. Credit Headers.
Did you know that whenever you fill out a credit application and they ask for your employment that information stays reported on your credit report. A private investigator can legally access that information. If it's not current he can call the business and try to find out where the former employee went.

2. Corporation Searches.
Many people are self employed and will incorporate their business..this information is available to the professional investigator that knows where look.

3. Business and professional licenses.
Many professionals are required to be licensed and the license information is a public record. This could lead to the employment location.

4. Better Business Bureau.
Look for the subjects name as contact person or owner for a business.

5. Social Networks.
Today people will broadcast all their personal details on social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook or Linkedin.

There are many other tricks a seasoned Private detective will use. For instance a PI can have pre printed post cards ready. They mail them to the subject with instructs to call a trap line number during business hours. If the target of the investigation calls from work the work phone number will turn up in the trap line records. This same tactic can be used by just calling and leaving a message for the subject. Again email can also be used.

A reverse email trace can be used to locate a persons place of employment also. If you know his email you can email him during business hours, The email may be opened or answered from his place of employment. A careful examination of the email headers and other data can reveal the current place of business.

If these methods fail there always dumpster diving and even physical surveillance of the subject to follow from him from his home to his current place of employment. He may be able to hide for a while but sooner or later any ones current place of employment can be found.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his online investigation website. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and a lot more. To learn more about employment locate and other useful information please click here now:===>

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Don't Fall For The Myth That You Can't Perform a Reverse Email Search on Gmail Accounts

There are many cyber stalkers and sexual predators that make it a habit of harassing adults and even young children on the Internet that have known for quite some time that Gmail is a type of email account that often removes visual IP information from the senders emails. Knowing this of course leads the criminals that send emails of threats, harassment and messages containing sexually explicit language, to also feel as if they are completely safe from anyone finding out their identity. Without revealing the specific reasons why it doesn't happen, which would give sexual harassers and stalkers more information than they need to know, it is important that innocent victims realize that the IP address and other information on headers is not always stripped from all Gmail emails.

You should never fall for the myth that it is not possible to perform a successful reverse email search investigation on a Gmail account. Although it can certainly be very incriminating evidence to have, the IP information is certainly not the only type of information that is contained on a Gmail email header. In many cases, experienced private investigations that perform a reverse email search can also find out the guilty party's geographic location, just from other information obtained from the Gmail header.

Regardless of the type of email account that a cyber bully, stalker or sexual predator sends harassing and inappropriate emails from, you should consult with an expert investigator that has the tools to perform a reverse email search investigation. The knowledge, tools and experience they use in cases involving emails of harassment often result in successfully obtaining information to locate and identify the the cyber stalker. When a reverse email search is performed, investigators are generally able to document and provide victims with enough evidence that gives them the ability to file a criminal or civil case against the guilty party.

Don't fall for the myth that a reverse email search investigation cannot be performed on Gmail accounts. This is exactly what sexual predators, bullies and cyber stalkers want their victims to believe so that they never have to worry that their malicious acts of harassment will ever be jeopardized. With a complete box of tools that include pretexts, trap lines, public and private databases, spider sites and web bugs for email, a reverse email search can be the effective solution you need to put an end to continuous harassment you've suffered.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers cyber stalking investigations, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email search and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>
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