Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Online Affair? Catch a Cheating Spouse Online

It usually begins the same way: You feel vaguely uneasy in your relationship, but you can't pinpoint where this anxiety stems from. Maybe you have even toyed with the notion that your spouse is having an affair, but quickly dismissed it and felt guilty for even considering that it could be true. This is the first stage.

This 'first stage' that I mention is one marked by denial and tensions that do not dissipate, regardless of how hard you try to ignore them. You probably won't want to search out evidence, because doing so implies a level of acceptance. You blame yourself for being so untrusting. There is no need to feel bad for any of this; it's considered to be a normal part of the process - one that we would all go through in a similar situation!

Nonetheless, reassurance rarely comes and so eventually it will become too much and you'll be willing to seek out the truth - regardless of what it may reveal. The good news, if it could be called that, is this: as time goes on, your cheating spouse will grow progressively more comfortable in his or her infidelity - meaning that he or she will also be growing sloppier at covering his or her tracks.

The third stage moves beyond merely being receptive to the idea of discovering the cold, hard truth, and into the realm of action. By now you've begun researching ways to discreetly find evidence that either clears or condemns your spouse's name - and looking online is an absolutely good idea. In any task, especially a one as delicate as this, research is key.

Stage four goes beyond self-education, as you become read to test this newfound knowledge and put it to good use. The cheapest, cleanest way to take back control of your life is to seek out an "online infidelity investigation". Through this method, you take your spouse's name and you submit it to an online investigator - who will return a list of any and every dating website your spouse's email address is registered to. An online infidelity investigation will not only tell you which site your spouse is using, if any, but it might also be able to provide you with information relating to who they are cheating with as well as how serious that particular relationship has become.

You will need to brace yourself, however, because you may discover that your significant other has been frequenting a fetish website, or even a dating service for homosexuals. So, in short, what you discover may shock and even repulse you. Even if there are no extreme or taboo fetishes involved, a dating site may reveal details about your spouse that you weren't aware of - such as drinking, drug, or gambling habits that had been previously kept secret from you.

Hopefully, with this article you will have taken the first step in reclaiming your life and doing what's best for you - and that is to seek out an online infidelity investigation. Make sure you do your research before choosing an investigator's website - some are better than others, and the best are simply state-of-the-art. Now go and find out the truth!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Can Recover Deleted Text Messages in No Time at All

There are numerous individuals that do not even have a clue that it is possible to undelete deleted text messages and other types of data from a cellular device. However, this is one of the best possible investigative tools that is available today, to use when people would like to catch cheating spouses in a matter of 48 hours or even less.

When a cell phone forensics investigation is done on a blackberry or cell phone there is a lot of helpful evidence that an innocent victim of infidelity can obtain from the cell phone of the suspicious partner. Below you will find a list of various types of data that can be retrieved when you consult with a professional private investigator that has the experience to retrieve deleted text messages.

> SMS text messages
> Video
> Sext messages
> Caller ID
> Email addresses
> Contact names and phone numbers
> Address book
> Graphics and photographs
> Detailed call records that include received and dialed calls, with the duration and time of the calls

As you can see, there is a large amount of information that can be obtained when a cell phone forensic investigation is performed to retrieve deleted text messages and other data that may be helpful in either proving or disproving infidelity in your relationship. The good thing is you do not have to wait for days to receive the evidence that the PI recovers from the cellular device. Within 48 hours or less you are given a disk that contains a detailed report of all the data that was found.

Another beneficial advantage that this type of unique service can provide is information to parents of teenagers that they believe are engaging in activities that are not acceptable. When you have an experienced professional in cell phone forensics recover deleted text messages and other data from your teenagers cell phone, many times it can ease the mind of a parents suspicions. For those that suspect their teen is engaging in activities such as sexting, bullying, or even illegal drug use, parents often find all the information they need when they rely on the expertise given from a private investigator that knows how to retrieve deleted text and many forms of other data, so that the problem at hand can be confronted.

As times change and more technical devices are made available, it is important to stay on top of activities and infidelity that may be happening right under your nose. This can easily be done when you leave it to the professionals that have the experience to recover deleted text and other data from cell phones, without the chance of destroying any evidence.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>

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Ed Opperman in the NEWS!

Can You Trace An Email If You Don't Have The Headers?

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Do you have an email address and need to locate or identify that person? If so you may be thinking that the only way to locate or identify someone from an email address is to examine the headers and trace the IP address back to the ISP (Internet Service Provider). Then you would have to get a subpoena or court order for the ISP to turn over account holder information. If this is what you're thinking you're wrong. It is possible too trace an email address right back to the sender even if you do not have the headers. In most cases you won't need a court order or search warrant, just an experienced private investigator that knows what he's doing.

There's a great deal of misinformation all over the Internet about this subject. If you Google "how To Trace an Email" you'll get hundreds of hits from well meaning people on how to examine a header, obtain the Internet Protocol Address (IP). But that's not the information you are looking for. What you want is a name address and phone number for the person using that email address.

The bottom line is that if you want to locate or identify someone hire an investigator. Private investigators have years of experience in tracking people down with very little identifying information. Long before email or the Internet was in popular use PIs have been locating bail jumpers and run away teenagers and tracing people down who use pay phones and fake Ids. This is not unfamiliar ground for private investigators.

Usually when a person wants to trace an email they will turn to their IT dept. Now the IT dept may be great at installing a network, removing a virus or upgrading Windows but stop and think. How many people have they ever tried to locate before embarking on their first email trace investigation? Zero!

The examination of the header and IP address is one step in an email trace investigation but it is only one step among many steps. So even if you do not have the headers the PI can usually trace the email successfully anyway. many times the PI can obtain the headers for you. But even without headers there are still many steps in an email trace investigation that will still result in obtaining the name and address and phone number behind an anonymous email account.

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

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Ed Opperman in the NEWS! Recovers Cell Phone Texts Messages in Tiger Woods Case

Monday, May 9, 2011

Use A Financial Asset Search Investigation To Locate Missing Persons

When working on a missing persons case it's important for the investigator to think out side of the box and explore every possible avenue of investigation. Many investigators working a missing persons case would not even consider using an asset search investigation as part of the locate or skip trace. But if you consider the benefits of an asset search you'll see how it can be useful in locating a missing person.

Usually when working a missing persons case the investigator will use a data base search or banking and credit headers but will not delve further into the assets of an individual at all. They will interview coworkers, friends family and neighbors. They will check into mail forwarding at the post office and even check with the leasing agent or landlord but will not take the next step of ordering a financial asset search investigation. While this report will probably contain more valuable information that every other investigative avenue mentioned here.

A brief list of just a few things that can be uncovered with a financial asset search investigation:

- Real Estate
- Investments: Stocks / Bonds / Mutual Funds
- Boats
- Planes
- Companies
- Bank Accounts: Checking and Savings
- Trust Accounts
- Cars

As you can see most of the information listed above will include addresses, cities, states, employment locations, DMV information. all of this information can be used to locate a missing person or hard to locate skip trace investigation. Even a person that has gone off the grid and is living a nomadic lifestyle may still have debts or judgments, liens, bankruptcies, city state or federal fines. All of this data will have clues to their present locations.

Once you have narrowed the search down to a general geographic location through the use of the financial asset search investigation you can begin a more methodical search of court records, inmate searches and even local library searches can uncover news paper articles that may mention the subject of your investigation. Most of this can be done without the subject of the investigation ever being aware that they're being investigated or that someone is trying to locate them. However if you don't mind the person knowing you are trying to find them an even more aggressive approach can be attempted. This involves placing ads on the Internet and in local newspapers, contacting churches, social services and many other methods too numerous to list here but shall be covered in a future article in this missing persons series.

A financial asset search investigation is a valuable tool in a missing persons case and should not be overlooked. In fact it should be one of the first steps that the investigator attempts in locating a missing person.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Saturday, May 7, 2011

6 Steps to Having Computer Forensic Examination Done

A computer forensic examination consists of the preservation, identification, extraction, and interpretation of documents that have been at one point stored on a computer. Whether you are looking for evidence from a crime or are simply looking to find information about your spouse, a Certified Computer Forensic Examiner can perform such an examination with six steps.

The first step the examiner will take is establishing some chain of custody. It is important that examiner knows where any items related to the investigation will be located at all times. Many times places like a safe or cabinet is best to secure the items.

Next, the examiner will catalog all relevant information including active, archival and latent data. Any kind of information that has been deleted can be recovered if at all possible and any encrypted information or information that is password-protected will be identified. During this process, an exact copy of the hard drive image will be made and the image is then authenticated against the original to ensure it is the exact copy.

From there, additional sources of information will be obtained depending on how the computer forensic examination is going and what the circumstances are. Some additional sources of information that may need to be obtained include firewall logs, proxy servicer logs, Kerberos server logs or sign-in sheets.

The fourth step during the examination is analyze and interpret all of the information in order to determine what can be used as evidence. The examiner will look for both exculpatory and inculpatory evidence to solidify a decision. In order to ensure the accuracy of the decision, encrypted files and password protected files will be identified.

After collecting all of the necessary information and evidence needed with the case, a written report will then be submitted to the client with whatever findings and comments the investigators have.

Finally, the investigator will provide expert witness testimony at a deposition, trial, or some other form of legal proceeding. Keep in mind that you cannot perform a computer forensic examination on your own. A certified examiner uses licensed equipment that will prevent tainting the evidence and ultimately ensure its validity in court.

When looking for a computer forensic examination, make sure you look for help from a certified examiner. They will be able to help you with whatever problem or evidence you are looking to attain. When performing the examination, the examiner will go through the six steps listed in this article in order to do so legally and efficiently.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted pics and other useful information please click here now:===>

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is FaceBook Helpful In Identifying a Cyber Stalker?

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc now has over 350 million active members. With that many people interacting over the Internet it's obvious why so many cyber stalking cases take place over the Facebook social network system. But with so many instances of cyberstalking occurring everyday are the owners and managers of the popular social network helpful to their members is locating and identifying the cyber bullies? Unfortunately like all the est of the Internet giants they are not helpful at all. The standard line is that they will cooperate with law enforcement and comply with court orders and subpoenas served on the Custodian of Records.

It sort of becomes a catch 22. The police will sometimes say thaat they cannot open a case until you can identify the person stalking you and the ISPs or social networks will not release account holder or members information unless it's in compliance with a search warrant. The victim of the cyber stalking crime is once again victimized by this system of "pass the buck".

There is hope though. A victim of a Facebook stalker can turn to a private investigation that specializes in Internet investigations and locating and identifying people online. In the case of Facebook, most accounts will have an email address that is visible to other members. The email address used to open the Facebook account had to be active and working at the time the account was opened and the page was created. If that is the case the email address can be traced back to the owner using a standard reverse email search investigation.

If the email address is hidden from public view the private detective can still contact the Facebook page owner via the private messages system and can use a pretext to either trick the cyber stalker into revealing their identify or they can lure the stalker over to a pretext web site. These sites are created with features that can trap and trace a visitors identifying information. This information can be traced to the stalker or perhaps compared to identifying information about a person you suspect is the cyber stalker.

Once the investigation has been completed the investigator can reduce his findings to a report that is in acceptable form for the police to continue the investigation and make an arrest. So even if Facebook is not helpful in a cyber stalking investigation there are PIs that will help you.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a FaceBook stalker investigation visit

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stop Internet Defamation With A Reverse Email Search Investigation

Internet defamation has become more than epidemic, its a plague! The Internet has reached the point where any anonymous person can create a fake email account and make any kind of accusation about anyone and say anything. Many times the victims of this kind of harassment is the target of a wide spread pattern of cyber stalking and the Internet defamation is only a portion of the attack. One crazed stalker with a lot of time on their hands can spend hours obsessing on their victim.

Not only is this kind of online defamatory abuse allowed it's actually encouraged by an every expanding group of Internet quick buck artists that have a found a legal loophole to make quick and easy cash. These unscrupulous con men set up web sites with legitimate sound names that mimic consumer reporting web sites. Then they encourage outright libel and slander against innocent people and businesses. Sometimes even having their own employees create fictitious complaints.

They understand that by using the names of popular people and companies they will attract web site visitors. Those visitors will increase the traffic statistics of the web site and thus return high advertising revenue. In fact many of the advertisers specialize in assisting the victims of the defamation in clearing their name and reputation by offering expensive Internet reputation repair and public relations campaigns.

The sleazy operators of these web sites hide behind the first amendment of the constitution. So the victims have no recourse against the web site owners or web site hosting companies. But with a reverse email search investigation the actual people spreading the lies can be located and identified and held financially responsible for any monetary damages the victim of this Internet defamation is subjected to. In some cases they may also be held criminally responsible.

A private investigator experienced in Internet defamation cases and reverse email search investigations can catch these people in the act and then reduce their finds to a report that can be used as an exhibit in court. They can also testify on your behalf in a lawsuit to recover damages. For now the owners of these sleazy web sites may be able to escape from justice but the actual authors cannot. If they are spread false defamatory lies about a person they can be brought to justice and made to pay for their crimes. They may think they have gotten aawaay with their crime but time is on the side of the victim and every one of these cyber criminals can be caaught eventually.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations. If you need a reverse email search to locate a con man, bail jumper, runaway or parental kidnapper please visit

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