Thursday, June 24, 2010

An Easy Way to Retrieve Deleted Text From a SIM Card

Regardless of the reasons as to why a spouse, parent, or employer might want to retrieve deleted text from the SIM card of a cell phone, it can very quickly become a frustrating and daunting task to achieve if you do not know what the proper procedures are to go about recovering information without damaging either the cell phone or the SIM card itself. There are some people that try to tackle this job on their own, and more often than not they end up losing all of the data they were hoping to recover. The same is true about SIM card readers that individuals can buy over-the-counter. Even though the use of these readers is strongly discouraged against, there are still some people that believe they will work. More often than not, the result of using them is important data becoming completely destroyed to the point it can never be recovered again. This leaves many people wondering if there is an easy way to retrieve deleted text from a SIM card without losing important data they desperately need to obtain. Various pieces of information is often needed because employers would like to find out if a specific employee has been stealing from their company, parents are trying to get to the bottom of what their teenager is up to, and partners that are hoping to put an end to the suspicions of cheating they are having about the love of their life.

The answer to this question is that there is an easy way to retrieve deleted text and other types of important data from a SIM card, and this is by consulting with experienced experts in the field of cell phone forensic investigations. This type of investigation is actually the best tool that is available and it is also the most effective way of being able to obtain several forms of data that can answer any questions of suspicions that you may be stressing over. There are many innocent partners, parents, and employers that have successfully obtained incriminating evidence to prove their suspicions were warranted.

These individuals will quickly attest that there is an easy way to retrieve deleted text from a SIM card, along with erased email addresses, contact information, videos, graphics, photographs, sext and SMS messages, and several other forms of data, and it can be done without harming the cell phone or the SIM card of the phone.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Put an End to Your Suspicions - Recover Deleted Text From Partners Or Teen's Cell Phones

It is very hard, and probably not the best idea, for individuals and employers to put their complete trust in their husband, spouse, a teen child, or even their employees. When a person gives this much trust to someone else, it often ends up in a bad situation that blows up right in their face. There are also many people that have been given plenty of reasons to believe that something is not quite right either in their marriage, their relationship, with their teenager, or with the activities of an employee that has been hired. The good part about this is that you can put an end to any suspicions that you may have simply by contacting an experienced private investigator to recover deleted text messages and other forms of erased pieces of data from the cell phones that they carry. No matter what type of cell phone that it is, a PDA, a Blackberry, a Palm Pilot, or if you just have the SIM card, many people are very surprised at the helpful information that can be retrieved from a cell phone.

When the actions and the behaviors of a person have caused you to start wondering about the activities that they are engaging in, it is best to just put an end to your suspicions and get to the bottom of the truth as to what is going on. A private investigator that knows how to undelete deleted text and recover deleted text messages and other erased data from a teen's or even a partner's cell phone, often reveals information on problems and activities that the innocent victim never thought for an instant could actually be happening.

Cell phone forensics investigations are the best service to be found today to recover deleted text and other types of data that has been erased from a cell phone. It gives numerous individuals the ability to confront employee's, partners, and children, about specific problems like infidelity, theft that is taking place, teen sexting, bullying, and even the use of illegal drug substances.

There is simply no reason to keep worrying when you can put an end to your suspicions and recover deleted text from an employee, a spouse, or teen's cell phone, giving you the option to put a plan of action in place. Cellular forensics gives you the advantage to not only recover deleted text, but you can also obtain erased videos, sext messages, caller ID, address book, detailed call records, email addresses, photographs and graphics, and other data.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cellular Forensics to Retrieve Deleted Text Is a Great Way to Prove Infidelity

There are many things that a partner or spouse can do that may be indicators that they are being unfaithful. In some cases these may turn out to be innocent misunderstandings, however more often than not, cheating is often the case. In very few cases these partners or spouses may actually admit to these indiscretions when they are confronted or questioned about their activities. For the most part however, it often becomes necessary to pursue other options in order to get honest answers to these questions. One such option is the choice to retrieve deleted text to get to the bottom of the problem at hand.

Once you have decided to retrieve deleted text messages from your partner's cell phone to get specific information about their actions, it will become necessary to contact a trained specialist with extensive experience. Forensic investigators not only recover texts, SMS, and sext messages, but many other important details as well. Some of the erased information you might expect to uncover through this type of forensic investigation includes such details as incoming and outgoing calls, length of calls, deleted address book, contact list and caller ID files, pictures, videos and voice mail messages.

If you are considering the option of using a SIM card reader to retrieve deleted text the best advice you can be given on this matter is don't. SIM card readers not only do not perform this function adequately, but they can also lead to irreparable damage and destruction. First and foremost these card readers are highly likely to damage or destroy the SIM card itself. Secondary to this, these ineffective devices can also seriously damage and destroy the information you are trying to recover. This damage and destruction is irreparable and permanent. Once this information is gone nothing can be done to bring it back.

If you are going to trust someone to retrieve deleted text from your cell phone the best alternative is to turn to a forensic investigator who is experienced and qualified to perform this process. By leaving this procedure to the professionals you can be sure that you will receive the phone back in the same condition as it was originally in, as well as receiving the information you need to answer all your questions. This process usually takes anywhere from a single day to two weeks. At the end of this time you will be provided with specific details of all information retrieved from this investigation.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why it is Important to Stop Individuals Suspected of Cyber Stalking

There are many reasons why it is important to identify and stop individuals who may be suspected of cyber stalking. The most obvious reason is the fact that the person who is on the receiving end of this type of harassment is most likely terrified by the events which are taking place. Cyber stalkers are all over the Internet and in many cases this terrorism often escalates into real life violence. No one should ever be so frightened by someone that they feel that they cannot report these occurrences and take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and stop this type of online abuse.

There are a variety of internet investigations which may lead to the identification and possible location and prosecution of individuals who engage in the activity of cyber stalking. The most popular of these online investigations include the use of a reverse email look-up. This particular investigation can uncover many pertinent details which are necessary to identify these sometimes dangerous individuals. Some of the information which may be obtained often includes the name, address and phone number of the individual, as well as where the computer is located which sent the unwanted and often threatening communication. Other information which may be discovered includes the person's place of employment, the internet service provider and browser type, and even the websites that the person has visited.

There are many websites which claim to be able to provide this information instantly free of charge, however many of these websites are largely ineffective and do not provide results that are very accurate. A reverse email look-up is by far the most reliable and most effective method of identifying individuals who may be cyber stalking an individual. In addition to this the investigators who conduct this type of investigation usually employ a no hit no fee policy. Basically what this means is that if the investigation does not result in the identification of the alleged perpetrator, then there is no charge for the investigation. You only pay if the information obtained actually leads to the identification of the person in question.

When you hire a trained and skilled professional investigator with the proper experience in the field, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of getting the necessary information to identify the person who may be cyber stalking you. This investigation may be performed within a time frame of anywhere from as little as one day to two weeks. You will then be provided with a detailed report of whatever information is discovered.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit