Saturday, February 28, 2009

Is There Really A Way That You Can Unblock Caller ID Block?

Is There Really A Way That You Can Unblock Caller ID Block?
Copyright © 2009 Ed Opperman

Are you getting tired of receiving blocked phone calls? Many people are, but are unsure about how they can do anything about it. In the old days there was nothing that could be done, but these days there is technology that will help you unblock caller ID block. It is not as difficult as you think it is to unblock blocked phone calls.

So, how can you unblock caller ID block? The best way to do this is with (ANI) Automatic Number Identification technology. There is a product known as trap line that has this technology and you can easily start using it on all of your phones to make sure you never get another blocked call again.

This is the same technology that is used by 911 dispatchers every day. It is now legal for individuals to use it in their homes to unblock caller ID block to find out who is calling. The one thing that you need to know about this technology is that you can't get it from any phone company; instead you have to find trap line on the internet, which is not hard to do.

Being able to unblock caller ID block will help you to put a stop to these unwanted calls. You can learn the phone number, name and even the address of the person calling you. Then you can call them to request that they stop calling you or you can put their number on your blocked calls list.

There will always be unwanted calls that you will receive, but now that you have a way to unblock blocked phone calls, you don't have to just put up with them anymore. Plus, if someone does keep calling and harassing you, you will be able to go to the proper authorities with their personal information to get them to stop.

So, go online today and find trap line to help you unblock caller ID block so you can put a stop to these annoying phone calls. The sooner you start using technology to learn who is always calling you, the sooner you will be able to only receive the phone calls that you want. Don't delay because if you do then you will always have to put up with these phone calls; instead, do something about it now so you can move on with other more important things in your life, instead of worrying about all of these calls.


Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in telephone harassment investigations. If you need a trap line service with (ANI)Automatic Number Identification visit


Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in telephone harassment investigations. If you need a trap line service with (ANI)Automatic Number Identification visit

Friday, February 27, 2009

Signs Your Spouse is Having an Extramarital Affair

Extramarital infidelity can destroy a marriage. In fact, it has been the leading cause of divorce for quite some time. Even without "proof", the suspicion that your spouse may be having an extramarital affair can be heart wrenching. Because you know your spouse better than anybody else does -- you will know when your relationship is changing. Others may not be able to see it, but that is due to the fact that the changes oftentimes start out subtly.
If you suspect that your husband or wife may be having an extramarital affair, ask yourself the following questions:
-Has your spouse suddenly become distant?
-Does your spouse make excuses to be away from you?
-Has your spouse suddenly started taking on overtime?
-Has your spouse made plans that exclude your input or even involvement?
These are amongst the most common signs that your spouse may be having an extramarital affair. Now, these are far from the only telltale signs -- you may notice changes in daily routines, personal attitude, or in your spouse's lifestyle in general. Honestly, the best way to "know" when your spouse is cheating, even without proof, is by simply paying attention to what is going on in your marriage and with your spouse.
Computers can be a major problem for husbands and wives -- they offer a new, and largely anonymous, venue for their partners to converse with others. When you walk in the room and your spouse shuts down the computer suddenly, or tries to divert your attention from what they are doing -- this may indicate that your spouse is hiding something from you. Online dating sites, or "married but dating" suites have made it very easy to connect with other people in your local area or anywhere around the world.
One other sign that your spouse may be having an affair is their inability to keep track of their "stories" that they tell you. For instance -- ask your spouse what they are doing again, unexpectedly, as they are getting ready to leave. Ask them what they are planning on doing while you are gone -- you may be playing the part of the forgetful spouse, but those who are having an extramarital affair oftentimes will lose track of their lies at some point, and these lies can be indicative of a cheating partner.
Now, while these signs can indicate that your partner is having an extramarital affair, they are not concrete evidence that your spouse is involved in some form of extramarital infidelity. Before you confront your spouse, you should have solid evidence that there really is something going on, other than their suspicious behavior. After all, they are your partner, and a false accusation is not something that can be undone.

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spouse Spending More Time on the Internet Because of Extramarital Relationship

You've been noticing lately that your spouse spends a lot more time surfing the Internet than usual, but you haven't really paid it much attention. Your first thoughts were simply that they are just doing what you do on a normal basis. Have you ever sat back for a moment and actually thought about why your spouse suddenly has such a keen interest in the Internet? You know, it may very well be a telltale sign that they are having an extramarital relationship.
Notice that if you ever randomly question your spouse about what he or she is looking at they hesitate to answer you. Well, it's likely because they are trying to think of a lie to tell you in order to throw of your possible suspicion. If your spouse is just casually surfing the web, he or she won't bother to take the time to think of lie. Anytime a spouse has an extramarital relationship or they are even thinking of it, they become a bit timid to questioning or they might even get angry about it.
Take a moment to think about your spouse's usual habits. They have a normal morning routine that they follow before going to work. They come home from work and eat and watch TV. At most, he or she spent only about 10 minutes of their time on the internet and that was just to check their email every now and then. But now, every day it seems, your spouse is on the internet early in the morning before breakfast, and within 5 minutes of returning home from work. You even find them out of bed at strange hours on the Internet.
Of course you brushed it off at first and made excuses for what it could be, but really really think about it. Can your spouse really spend all that time on the internet, unaccounted and without cause? Don't think so...and the main thing that should have flagged these weird computer habits is that there's never any history of it. That's right. Your spouse erases all internet cookies, web history, and anything else that could leave a trail of their activities.
So what could they be hiding...or better yet who? You've had your suspicions in the past but quickly retracted them because your spouse 'just wouldn't do something like that to you'. But, you are slowly realizing the possibility that he or she might be having an extramarital relationship. You don't want to think about it, let alone believe it could be true, but given your spouse's recent change of habit, you NEED to think about it.
If your spouse is having an extramarital relationship, then they probably have memberships at a number of social networking sites and adult dating sites. They may even have a few memberships to some cheater's dating sites - dating sites especially tailored to married men and women who are looking to have an affair. They've probably got secret email addresses that they don't want you to find as well. To get this information, you're going to need the help of a private investigator, and not just any PI. You need an expert in infidelity investigations, particularly someone who's familiar with dating service searches.
If you are able to supply an email address to the private investigator, they'll be able to return a report of sites where the email is registered within 48 hours at most. This will at least give you a little insight about what your spouse might be doing online. The PI will also be able to conduct a full infidelity investigation on a number of fronts whether you have any leads to give them or you have only your suspicions. This is yet another reason why you need an expert. They aren't limited by what information you can provide to them because they know how to find it themselves. An expert PI will most certainly be able to reveal an extramarital relationship if there is one to be found.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations, email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>
Article Source:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Suspect an Extra Marital Affair?

Many wives and husbands know all-too-well that sick feeling that they get in the pit of their stomach when they think that their partner may be having an extramarital affair -- you are no different. You have that nagging suspicion that your spouse may be cheating on you, but how can you prove it without alerting your spouse to your suspicions?
That is what we will share with you today -- how to catch a cheating spouse.
Nowadays, the internet is the starting point of extramarital affairs in many cases. "Married but looking" chat rooms and dating sites are abundant, and not just for men looking for a relationship outside of their marital vows -- plenty of women frequent these forums, dating websites, and chat rooms themselves. And, not only are there "married but looking" types of services available today -- escort websites and escort forums are unfortunate, but popular, locations for spouses who are considering having an extramarital affair as well.
Because the internet plays such a significant role in assisting an unfaithful husband or wife, there are services designed to track, and catch, extramarital infidelity through these online services. Using general information, sometimes information as innocuous as an email address, these online fidelity investigation services can find, track, and even trap a cheating spouse.
Now, you could choose to do a little bit of investigation yourself, or even choose to hire a private investigator to pursue your suspicions about your spouse. However, if the relationship is in its infancy, or the relationship is purely online, such as in cases where your spouse may be having an emotional affair with somebody else as opposed to a physical affair -- there's a good chance that you may not be able to catch them "in the act", so to speak.
One of the benefits of using an Internet private investigation service, especially when your partner may only be testing the waters, or looking to talk with somebody new, is that setting a trap, and catching your spouse cheating, is relatively easy. If through the course of an investigation, your spouse has been found to have a persona ad on an online dating site or through a "married but looking" type of web site -- the professional investigator can find out, and obtain evidence of, your partner's actions or inactions with their online profiles.
Because the internet is a likely starting point for an extramarital affair, using an online fidelity investigation service is an effective way to catch a cheating spouse.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need assistance with a Dating Service (Infidelity) Investigation please feel free to visit his web site.
Article Source:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Does an Extramarital Affair Automatically Lead to Divorce?

Does an Extramarital Affair Automatically Lead to Divorce?

Many wives, and even husbands, "jump the gun" so to speak, and wonder what the outcome of their marriage will be if they find out that their "gut instinct" is true. If you suspect that your spouse may be cheating on you, your mind may naturally wander to the not-too-distant future, and the "what could be". However, before you let your mind and emotions take over, and take you into the unfounded world of which you are contemplating, you need to, first of all, verify that your spouse is, in fact, having an extramarital affair.
Identifying an unfaithful spouse
While painful, the first step in healing the wounds over an affair is verifying whether or not the affair is actually taking place. While there are dozens of different signs that your spouse may be exuding that point to them cheating on you -- unless you have proof, or a confession, there will always be that lingering doubt in the back of your mind.
Because the unfaithful today use the internet to aide them in their extramarital activities, online infidelity investigation services are the recommended method of either validating your suspicions, or putting them to rest for good.
Avoiding the pitfalls of false accusations
In some cases, the act of falsely accusing your spouse of cheating on you can cause irreparable harm to your relationship. In fact, these accusations may trigger the type of distrust and hurt that cheating on your spouse yourself may cause -- accusations can be extremely damaging. For this reason, before you confront your spouse about your suspicions -- you need to have undeniable proof that they are, in fact, having an extramarital affair.
How to heal from an extramarital affair
Once you have verified that your spouse has been cheating on you, or did cheat on you in the past -- you need to confront them and take an honest look at your feelings. It will take time -- yes. You may actually need to separate yourself from your spouse for a season, and maybe even your kids for a short period of time as well. Get away, sort your personal feelings about yourself out, identify what you really want, and then go back to discuss things with your spouse.
Now, there is no denying it -- sometimes marriages will not work out after an extramarital affair. However, more times than not, there are ways to keep a marriage together, and even make it even stronger than it was before.
While it is true that extramarital infidelity can wreak havoc on a relationship, and it certainly can cause walls to go up between couples when an extramarital affair has taken place -- an affair does not have to destroy a marriage.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need assistance with a Dating Service (Infidelity) Investigation please feel free to visit his web site.
Article Source:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Online Affairs - The Horror of Internet Infidelity

We've all heard about it, read about it. Spouses having affairs.... not just any affairs, though. ONLINE affairs.
According to detectives, 10-20 percent of online affairs begin there; online. The internet has opened us to new corners of infidelity we couldn't explore before. Many couples are finding themselves sneaking around late at night, one person to begin an online affair & the other to sniff it out.
How has this affected us as a country? Our trust in partners has lowered since online affairs have become so popular. The days of harmless emails is long behind us. Why has the online affair become so popular? Unlike a face-to-face affair, online infidelity allows us to become whoever we'd like. Men can be as big or tough as they please, women as small & intelligent as they'd like to come across.
Online affairs allow us to become who we'd inevitably like to be in real life. There are no stress factors except to type quickly & take a good web cam photo. Also, many people don't consider an online affair an affair at all. They believe that for true "cheating" to occur, the online affair must become physically intimate.
Thankful, there are sites now like Online Infidelity Investigations, that allow you to check your partner's email address against address books for online dating sites.
The question is, how are you going to stop your partner from carrying on an online affair? Generally, presenting them evidence from a site like the one above will make them realize that when they sign off, they're still signed on to hurt you. Online affairs are truly becoming something worth watching out for & discussing with your partner. Be aware of the online affair as much as you would be aware of a "real" affair, because don't be fooled; these are just as real.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cell Phone Secrets - Your Spouse May Be Having an Extramarital Relationship

Cell Phone Secrets - Your Spouse May Be Having an Extramarital Relationship

Have you ever suspected that your spouse is receiving secret calls on his or her cell phone and that they might be having an extramarital relationship? Are you fearful that your suspicions are true, and looking for a way to find out? You may not be aware, but there is a process known as Cellular Forensics that is able to extract all the information from your spouse's cell phone that they have deleted.
In the case of a cheating spouse, it's quite common that they keep in touch with their lover through the use of a cell phone. Chances are, you have very limited access to their cell phone, if any at all. You can be sure that if your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and they are talking to someone in secret on their cell phone, they don't want you to know. In fact, they probably will do everything in their power to keep you from ever getting your hands on that phone.
One of the most common signs of a cheating spouse is that they delete everything from their cell phone. In actuality, it makes no sense why they'd do such a thing since of course they talk to you and exchange messages with you throughout the day. For their phone to be empty all the time is just weird, especially considering that it never used to be that way. Anyhow, if you can manage it, you'll need to send their phone off to a cellular forensics lab for examination. This can easily be done with the help of an experienced private investigator.
Dealing with an extramarital relationship is a delicate matter. Even more so, you have to be careful when you don't know and only have suspicions. Your best choice for a PI is one that is an expert in cellular forensics as well as infidelity investigations. They know how to handle these types of situations while at the same time delivering top notch results.
In general, a private investigator will be able to reveal where your spouse has been with their lover, any hidden financial expenditures they have, as well as how long your spouse has been involved in an extramarital relationship. The details may be painful, indeed, but a PI will expose the truth. A cellular forensics exam of their phone may not reveal everything you're looking to find out, but it will definitely show whether your spouse is keeping secrets from you.
The basic cellphone forensics report consists of deleted text messages and pics, old caller ID logs, and actual call logs. This can be helpful in that you may be able to find out who your spouse's lover is, but it might not give as much information that you will know what exactly is going on between them. An extramarital relationship can be extremely complicated, depending on how deep into the relationship the other spouse may be, and for that reason, you need a private investigator. They are able to take a simple cellphone forensics report and delve much further into the matter than you could alone.
If you're concerned that your spouse may be involved in an extramarital relationship, you should consult the expertise of a qualified private investigator. In most cases, the PI will be able to deliver a full report of everything contained in your spouse's cell phone in about 7 days, so within a week you could finally know the truth about your spouse and finally lay your fears to rest!
Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc, is an expert in Cellular Forensics and infidelity investigations. If you suspect your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and need help uncovering the truth visit
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

2 Ways to Catch Your Spouse Cheating on You

2 Ways to Catch Your Spouse Cheating on You

Cheaters are largely the same today as they were thirty years ago, though the ways to catch a spouse engaged in extramarital infidelity have changed with the times. While cheaters will still show the signs of a cheating spouse, there are ways, using old and new technologies, to catch your uncommitted partner.

Here are two ways to catch your spouse cheating on you:

Catch them in a lie

When your significant other is cheating on you, there is a good chance that they are juggling a large number of truths, half-truths, and lies so that they can hide their extramarital infidelity from you, and hide the fact they are married from the other person that they are seeing. For this reason, it can be somewhat easy to catch your spouse in a lie if they are cheating on you.

In reality, catching your spouse in a lie can be as simple as playing the "forgetful spouse". Now, for this to work without raising suspicion - you should be naturally interested in what your spouse does on a daily basis.

For instance, if your spouse has told you that he or she is going out for the day to run errands, or some other ambiguous activity - be sure to ask them about what they're doing before they actually head for the door. Any questions that you ask, especially if they are out of the blue or unexpected, can throw a cheating spouse off balance enough for you to detect them trying to come up with an answer to the question.

If your spouse hesitates, this alone could be indicative of them and least trying to hide something from you, and if they display other signs of cheating - it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak.

Catch them online

While the internet has given us a great number of benefits and conveniences, it is has also been a major obstacle for marriages comprised of a spouse with a low-level of commitment to the marriage. Nowadays, "married but dating" websites abound - not only that, there are chat rooms, so-called "escort" forums, and just an overall abundant number of opportunities for a spouse who entertains extramarital infidelity. Yes, the internet can be a problem in certain marriages and for certain people - but in all actuality, catching a cheater who uses the internet to engage in their illicit affairs can actually be quite simple.

Online fidelity investigation services specialize in tracking cheaters online. Now, even if you are an internet "guru", so to speak - the in-depth research that an investigative service produces far outweighs any information that you could glean through your own research. If your spouse is using an online dating website to pursue their extramarital infidelity, there's a good chance that these types of services will not only be able to identify a cheating spouse - but catch them in the act as well.

Extramarital infidelity is a major problem these days, and it is a problem that has destroyed marriages time and time again. While unfortunate, the best thing that you can do for yourself, so that you can figure out what you need to do in the end, is to, first of all - catch your partner cheating on you.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your unlisted phone number search needs. He offers internet infidelity investigations, reverse email searches, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now:===>

Article Source:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


1. No eye contact. His eyes will look away. If the room has a means of egress - that's where they'll look.

2. Crossing of arms and/or legs ( a protective instinct).

3. The pupils of the eyes will narrow. Lying is stressful.

4. Hands on the face, especially the mouth. They are "covering" the lie.

5. Talking fast. A liar wants to get it over with.

6. Sometimes the head will nod a "no" when answering "yes" question or visa versa. This is a subconscious movement.

7. Mispronouncing the words or mumbling. A liar kind of thinks he is
not lying when he pronounces words incorrectly or mumbles.

8. Overstated friendliness/laughing. He wants you to believe and he wants you to like him so you will believe him.


1. Sit in the higher chair. A subtle sort of intimidation.

2. Uncross your lets and open your arms - lean back. Make yourself "open" to the truth.

3. Ask for minute details ( a challenge to the liar).

4. Don't ever tell them what you DO know - don't point out you know what they are saying is a lie. This is your own ego trip.

5. Invade their personal space. Get close, they'll get uncomfortable (good).

6. Mimic their posture and subtle. This establishes a rapport and they'll never figure why.

7. Speak in their style. Listen to how they think. If the person says
things like "I HEAR ya!" or "that SOUNDS good", you'll know he thinks
auditorially or with his ears. If he says "I shoulda SEEN it comin" or
"I SEE what you mean", you'll know he is visually oriented. If he says
thinks like "it HIT me like a ton of bricks" or "I just FROZE in my
tracks," you'll know he thinks by feelings. Speak to him in the same
way. A good test is to ask someone to recite the alphabet. Some people
will stare as if they are looking at the alphabet above the blackboard
in grade school (visual), some people will sing the alphabet (auditory)
and some people will tap out the letters (feeling). If you match their
thinking method, you'll have instant rapport.

8. Give "'em an "out". You gotta make it easy for them to tell the
truth. Pretend you didn't hear them correctly or tell them you didn't
understand what they said. Always leave a way out so they recant their
words and tell the truth.

9. Stay calm. Never show surprise or shock. Treat everything they say
with the same importance. The first time you react negatively you will
lose any chance of being told the truth.