Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Investigate an Online affair

As a private investigator most of the cases you'll deal with will , in one way or another, involve infidelity. Whether it's an online asset search, parental kidnapping or current employment locate. You'll find that the root cause of the break up was infidelity, commonly called an affair.

If you want to provide your clients the best possible service you'll need to keep yourself current in the latest Internet investigations. One such state of the art investigation is an online infidelity investigation. This is where you attempt to uncover an online affair.

There are many tools at your disposal to uncovering an Internet affair:

1. Locate Secret Email Accounts
2. Locate Secret Myspace and Social Network Pages
3. Locate Secret Dating Service Memberships
4. Locate Escort Service Sites

In order to provide these services to your clients you'll need to really saty up to date on the lastest in Internet investigations. You'll also need to create or purchase extensive databases and mailing lists of customer information. Also you have to establish and cultivate relationships with inside tipsters and sources willing to assist you in your investigations.

If you are just starting out do not despair. You can develop a relationship with a professional investigator that is already experienced in Internet investigations and out source these types of services. You can still assist you clients and still earn a living while a more experienced investigator does most of the work.

Ed Opperman,President of Opperman Investigation Inc is an experienced Internet investigator. If you need assistance with an online infidelity investigation to uncover an online affair visit

Saturday, October 18, 2008

How to Offer Background Reports

You'll find hundred of web sites on the Internet that offer background checks. But exactly what is a background check? What does it include and how much should you charge?

A background check or background report can vary according to what is offered and what the client wants. Also the reason they want it.

A background report for pre employment or tenant screening purposes is different from a report needed to check out a potential business partner or even a potential date. Like wise the costs will vary.

Your best bet when offering background check services is to set up several basic packages that include criminal, financial and driving records searches. You can expand on those after consulting with the client and determining their individual needs.

Many investigators will be working on a larger case and in the course of that investigation will need a quick background search. In that situation they can outsource the background search to another investigator that specializes in that type of investigation on a routine basis.

Ed Opperman is pres of Opperman Investigations. For assistance with a background report visit

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Reverse Email Search Used to Locate a Bail Skip

If you're a professional bail bond agent, bounty hunter or recovery agent you will probably be surprised to learn how a reverse email search can assist you in locating and recovering a bail skip. In fact most intake forms at the average bail bond office do not even have a field for the applicant to provide an email address.

This is a huge mistake. An email address is an excellent tool in maintaining contact with the defendant before they ever skip in the first place, but it's even better for locating the defendant should they run out on their bail or miss court. A reverse email search investigation when conducted by an expert can pinpoint the exact location of your skip.

An auto responder email program could be used to maintain contact with the client. Remind them of pertinent court dates and telephone check in times and to verify and update contact information. If a client skips you can review the recorded IP addresses of the clients email responses and see if there is a pattern. Possibly another location the client uses to read and reply to his emails at a certain time of day. Perhaps from a girlfriend or relatives computer or a specific public library.

But if they fail to maintain contact or skip out on you, a reverse email search is an excellent method to track them down and locate exactly where they are when they open an email.

Other forms of online investigation services such as locating and monitoring social network sites like Myspace and Facebook can also be extremely effective methods. Likewise an online dating service search to locate the personal ads sites the skip has memberships.

In 2008 most people if not all have email accounts. Many will use online personal ad services and still more will have social network pages such as Myspace and Friendster. A person that's on the run or out in the street is more likely to be able to use a free email account at the public library rather than to use a cell phone. Yet every bail bonds intake form will ask for a cell number and not many will ask for an email address. Even if you never asked for an email address on the intake form an email tracing expert can also locate secret or hidden email addresses a bail skip might be using and then perform a reverse email search on that address to locate your skip.

As you can see there are many benefits to the bail bond office by recording a clients email address and requiring email contact with the client. There are also many options available to the expert email tracer in locating a skip by using online investigations or a reverse email search. I'm sure as a professional in your field there are other applications you could think of and request in a custom Internet investigation.

If you can see the benefits a reverse email search can provide in locating a bail skip you need to establish a relationship with an email tracing expert. Before retaining their services be sure to Google their name and company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in Email tracing services.

Ed Opperman is the president of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in email tracing and Internet investigations. If you need assistance in locating a bail skip with a reverse email search visit

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How To Find a Runaway

Many times as a private investigator you'll receive a desperate phone call from a worried parent begging for help in finding a runaway. The novice PI might refer the parent to local police and call it a day. They know that databases are useless in finding a runaway since they are likely under 18 and have no reported credit history reported to credit headers.
Although it's unlikely you'll find a runaway using standard locating or skip tracing techniques it is possible to use old fashioned investigation methods and state of the art forensic technology to find runaways. But you'll need to think outside the box.
In the rest of this article we will attempt to provide a game plane for finding runaways.
1.Make a police report. Be sure to advise the parents to make a police report and establish a rapport with the detectives assigned to the case. These detectives are overworked and you need to make a persona; impression on them.
2. Make a detailed list of all the child's friends. Especially boyfriends and girlfriends. You'll need names , addresses, pictures, names of their parents and their friends too.
3. Secure the child's computer, cell phone, blackberry etc. These devices will have evidence like detailed emails, text messages pics and caller Id. All these things can be recovered by a forensic examination but not unless the devices are secured. If you use them or tamper with them in any way you'll be overwriting evidence.
4 Locate secret emails, blogs, Myspace and personal ads.
All of the above information will be a wealth of solid leads for you to follow up with. Interview their friends and the friends of friends. Locate emails and trace the emails to see where they are being read. Usually in the first weeks a teen that has run away they will stay with friends. Contact the people on their Myspace list to see what they know. Contact the people on their personal ads to see if they know anything.
Kids that run away will have little to no resources so they will rely on their parents. They will use the family cell phone and email accounts. This activity can be traced by a private investigator that has experience in this area. If they leave behind a laptop or cell phone these devices can be examined forensically to uncover deleted emails and text messages, pics and address book entries.
If you are going to take on a case that involves finding a runaway you should be experienced in digital forensics, online investigations and email tracing. If you are not you should outsource that portion to an investigator that is experienced in those areas and how they apply to finding a runaway

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in locating people using email, cell phone and Internet tracing techniques.
If you need to find a runaway visit his web site at

Friday, October 10, 2008

Criminal Records Search -Doing it right

As a private investigator you'll be asked to perform criminal records checks in the course of business. It may be for a pre employment screen, tenant screen, due diligence or a personal matter such as a custody or divorce case.

It's important for you to become familiar with the basics of criminal records searches before you're asked to conduct one.

There are several types of criminal records searches. The nationwide instant search, the state wide felony and misdemeanor searches, county level and the on site county level hand search.

You'll see many online service offering "Instant Criminal Records Searches" but which one if any should you choose? If your search is for the purpose of tenant or employment screening the search you conduct must be compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Before getting into tenant or employment screenings or background reports you should become familiar with the FCRA requirements so that you are compliant. There are often classes and seminars offered throughout the country to give you a good understanding of the applicable laws.

After you have educated yourself and you begin performing criminal records searches you'll find that it's not as sophisticated as you see on TV. In fact it's rife with errors and omissions.

The most accurate of the various searches is the local on site county criminal records search but you'll need to know which counties the subject has resided in the past 7 years. This can be obtained by a social security number based search of credit headers to get a complete list of the subjects past residences.
Of course if the subject was arrested and convicted while on vacation or in a state they have never resided it would be very difficult if not impossible to locate that arrest and conviction.

Instant nationwide searches are the most unreliable. They are full of holes when it comes to reliable information but many clients will insist on it because it's so widely advertised. As a professional you must educate your client on the accuracy of these instant searches. Remember you are the professional they are relying on to assist them. It is not the other way around.

Many investigators will be working on a larger case and in the course of that investigation a criminal records search will become necessary. They may not have time to take a class on the FCRA or become educated on the flaws with instant searches. In that case they usually outsource a criminal records search to another investigator that is experienced in this type of service and can return quick accurate results.
As an investigator you will need to build a Rolodex of sources that can provide these services for you.

Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations . He is experienced in criminal records searches and the FCRA. If you have a need for a criminal records serach please visit

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Asset Search -Locate Hidden Assets

As a private investigator you may be asked to perform an asset search or an asset locate. This is when one person or business entity needs to determine the assets of another person. This would include bank accounts,real estate, businesses and much more.

There are many reasons why the client needs the asset search. It could be a divorce where one spouse suspects the other is hiding wealth or community property. It could be a business partner or investor. It could be a creditor that is ready to file a lawsuit and wants to know if it's worth the effort.
If the debtor has nothing no sense in proceeding with the suit. Can't get blood from a stone as they say.

How to perform an asset search?

Begin your search by delving into these records sources:
  • Court Records - Bankruptcy, Liens and Judgments - County Court House
  • Business Licensing - County Court House
  • Power Of Attorney
  • Divorce proceedings records - State Vital Statistics
  • UCC filings - Secretary of State's Office
  • Corporation Records - Secretary of State's Office
  • Motor vehicle information - State DMV
  • Trusts
  • Probate records - State Probate Records
  • Real Property Records - Assessors Office - County Court House

Be cautious when performing an asset search. In 1999 new laws were passed that made pretexting financial institutions a crime. You can no longer call a financial institutions and pretend to be the account holder to obtain the account holders information.

However there are many perfectly legal methods to obtain this information. You are still able to use the normal investigative techniques routinely used uin any investigation. Interviews,surveillance,dumpster diving, database searches and sources (tipsters and informants).

Many times an investigator you'll be working on a complex case and in the course of your investigation you mat need an asset search. In many cases it may be wise to outsource the asset search part of the investigation to another investigator that routinely performs these type of investigation.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations. If you need assistance with an asset search please visit his web site He offers asset searches as well and background reports and current employment locates.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Skip Tracing- Locating a Missing Person

As a private investigator your will inevitably be asked to perform a locate or people search . A failed locate will require a skip trace investigation.

What is a locate?
A simple locate is when a person is trying to find another person. Your client may be a lawyer trying to locate a witness. It could be a woman trying to locate a college room mate. A parent trying to locate an estranged adult son or daughter.

There are a few basic steps to performing a simple locate or people search.
First gather all of the information on the subject of the locate.
Full name, date of birth, social security number,previous address.
With this information you should be able to run a simple database search of credit headers and find a current address and phone number. This is true for about 90% of all simple locates.If it fails you will need to perform a skip trace.

What is a Skip Trace?
A skip trace is when you are trying to locate a person that does not want to be located. A dead beat parent, a bail jumper, a recluse. These type of people are not very interested in updating their credit header information. In fact they may be actively trying to distort their credit header information.

This investigation will require much more time and effort than a simple locate but if you prepare it can become routine and simple.
First you will need to perform a thorough database search that includes previous addresses, names of relatives and neighbors. You take that raw data and start calling. You should start with a well rehearsed pretext script when contacting former neighbors, employers and relatives.

You can also contact the post office to see if the skip has left any forwarding addresses. You should have preprinted post cards that have the text "do not forward,address correction requested". You mail these to the subject at all his previous addresses to see what the PO can provide.
You should also have one of your trap line phone numbers on the card so that if by chance the postcard gets into the hand of the skip and he calls the trap line you can locate him that way.

Many times an investigator will be working on a complicated case and in the course of that investigation several locates and skip traces become necessary. Instead of becoming distracted he will outsource that part of the investigation to another investigator that is all set up to routinely perform those services. These investigators are often called information brokers because they routinely provide this service to other investigators.

When you are just starting out as an investigator it is crucial for you to establish a good working relationship with information brokers.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is an experienced skiptracer and his webiste offers skip tracing services as well as simple locates.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


You can join up with the International Private Investigator's Union and get plenty of great advice, job referrals and internships.
Investigaor trainees are welcome to join.


Aftr you sign up and post your introcuction thread be sure to mention you were referred by Opperman Investigations Inc.

How To Do A PO Box Break

Sometimes as a PI you'll be asked to locate and or identify the physical address for the owner of a PO BOX or Postal Mail Box (PMB).
This can often be accomplished with a database search if you have access to credit headers. When people have a PO Box they will often use that address for their bills or car payments etc and the PO Box will appear on there credit headers as an alternate address.
If it's not there you may be able to contact the PO using a form available on the USPS web site. This form requires you to disclose the reason you need the information. The USPS will only reveal the information if you are attempting to serve legal service in proper person. They even require a case number.

Sometimes these methods will still fail. It could be that the owner of the box has relocated since they opened the box and no longer live at the address they provided the USPS.

You can try to pretext the PMB owner by mailing them professional looking material, free offers, maybe even a love letter, anything to trick the owner into revealing their identity. These mailings should always include a trap line phone number with call capture. If the mail box owner calls you'll get their information and can trace them that way.

This may sound like a lot of work for a simple PO BOX Break. Setting up trap lines , obtaining credit headers, printing up pretext post cards. Many investigators like to out source this type of work and purchase the information from an investigator that's already set up to routinely obtain this kind of information.

For assistance in performing a PO Box break contact Ed Opperman Pres of Operman Investigations Inc through his web site