Wednesday, April 18, 2012

State of Texas Cyber Harassment Laws Enacted for Your Protection

The Lone Star state is known by many people as a place where a large amount of problems occur from cyber harassment. Part of this is due to the large population of the state. However, a large amount of cyber harassment occurs these days simply because a vast majority of all people now own or use a home computer system. There are a few helpful steps that residents have available to them when they find themselves dealing with the frustration, annoyance, and fright that is often associated with cyber harassment. This is to have a reverse email look-up performed by a private investigator, and to review the Texas cyber harassment laws that have been created.

Under the Texas Penal Code Section 33.07 of the state of Texas cyber harassment laws, states that an offense is in fact committed if someone’s persona or name is used by another individual to post various messages on one of the many social networks websites found on the Internet, or to create a website or web-page. This particular crime occurs when the person has not been contacted for consent, or their name is used with the intentions of causing a threat to them, the intent of harming or intimidating them, or defraud them in any way.

The Texas cyber harassment laws also state that a crime is committed when text messages, emails, instant messages, or communication that is similar is sent which gives reference to a specific domain address, name, telephone number, or other information that is used to identify a particular person. The crime occurs when there is intent to defraud or cause harm to the person, when the person has not been contacted for consent, and when the person receiving the information is led to believe the other individual has in fact given their permission for it to be transmitted.

Just as it is with a majority of other states, cyber harassment is taken very seriously and should never be ignored. The Texas cyber harassment laws have been created and put in place for the protection of yourself and each of your family members. By consulting an experienced private investigator to perform a reverse email look-up investigation at the first sign of cyber harassment, it will supply you with the identity and other helpful identifying information you can supply the authorities. Although it may have been hard to get cyber harassment stopped in the past, the Texas cyber harassment laws, and a reverse email look-up search makes this a much easier achievement.

Reverse Email Look-Up Investigations Can Help Texas Victims of Cyber Stalking

Cyber stalking has become a serious problem for quite a few residents of the state of Texas. What makes it even worse is as more people begin using home computer systems, the issue ends up affecting even more people. It is quite shocking to find out just how many people there really are that carry out the act of stalking innocent targets on the Internet. Not only is this an issue that affects numerous men and women, but there are also a large amount of teenagers and even younger kids that get caught up in the vicious web created by a cyber-stalker. Although many of these people feel as if there’s no way to stop the constant emails containing threats of harassment a cyber-stalker is sending them, a reverse email look-up search can quickly reveal the person behind the threats.

The information that can be gained from this effective investigation provides victims of cyber-stalkers with everything needed to file charges with their local law enforcement agency. Under the Texas State Penal Code Sec. 42.07, it clearly states that any type of harassment that is done on an electronic device such as a computer system is a serious crime. A reverse email look-up investigation is the very tool that can help harassed victims see that cyber-stalkers are held accountable for the wrong-doings they choose to participate in.

When cyber stalking becomes an issue that you or one of your family members faces, it is extremely important to notify the authorities. This is simply because the frightening emails threatening bodily harm that you are receiving could very easily turn into a real life nightmare. The next step should be to consult a leading professional that knows everything there is to know about a reverse email look-up search. The expense that is involved with this search is very reasonable, and it only takes a short amount of time to receive detailed results.

The information that victims of cyber-stalking receive through a reverse email look-up investigation can actually help law enforcement officers in a lot of situations. This kind of search is so effective that it can easily identify the cyber-stalker who has been causing you a large amount of fright. In a majority of cases it will also reveal the address where they reside, their phone number, employment information, and a wide range of other very helpful details that can ensure the harassment you’re going through is stopped.